Publication Title

Macedonia and Identity Politics after the Prespa Agreement

Document Type

Book Chapter - Open Access

Department or Program


Publication Date



In this essay, I examine the history of the meaning of Prespa in order to understand its significance as the site for the signing of the agreement that bears its name. At certain times, Prespa has occupied positions of great political importance; at others, it has seemed to lie forgotten at the margins of the Balkans. I consider Prespa as the capital of the Bulgarian Empire, the site of the construction of the borders of new Balkan states, the capital of “Free Greece” during the Greek Civil War, the site of the Transboundary Prespa Park, and finally the place where the Prespa Agreement between Greece and the Republic of Macedonia was signed. I propose re-imagining the border between Greece and the Republic of North Macedonia by adopting metaphors from the ecological unity of the Transboundary Prespa Park. In this way it would be possible to recognize Macedonia itself as a truly transboundary place.

Copyright Note

This is the author's version of the work. This publication appears in Bates College's institutional repository by permission of the copyright owner for personal use, not for redistribution.

Required Publisher's Statement

This is an Accepted Manuscript of a book chapter published by Routledge/CRC Press in Macedonia and Identity Politics After the Prespa Agreement on December 29, 2020, available online:
