Film No. 18: John F. Kennedy's presidential campaign rally in Lewiston via Portland
Contents: No sound in middle--shows a sign: "REGISTRATION DUNFEY FAMILY BUISNESS ASSOCIATES/GUIDED TOURS OF EMH 4-7 PM." After 7 minutes of Kennedy and his wife Jackie greeting the crowd at the Portland Jetport (with ESM) and participating in a rally, the sound returns after the sign flashes. ESM explains that there is a caravan from Aroostook/Franklin County heading to Lewiston to see JFK/ESM; then the rally.
Date: 1960.
Length: 8 minutes.
Color: Black and white.
Publication Date
Recommended Citation
Muskie, Edmund, "Film No. 18: John F. Kennedy's presidential campaign rally in Lewiston via Portland" (1960). Moving Images. 41.