Edmund S. Muskie Oral History Collection
Document Type
Oral History
Publication Date
Interview Number
MOH 047
Linwood E. Palmer was born in 1921 in Nobleboro, Maine. His father was the owner of a general store. He went to college at Colby and Andover Newton Theological School. Later, he did graduate work at the University of Maine. Palmer was a prominent legislator and was active in the Republican Party for years. He ran for Secretary of State but did not win. Linwood was a GOP contender for Governor in 1977 but lost in the primary. He served two terms in the House. He was a state official and representative.
Use Restrictions
Copyright Bates College. This transcript is provided for individual Research Purposes Only; for all other uses, including publication, reproduction and quotation beyond fair use, permission must be obtained in writing from: The Edmund S. Muskie Archives and Special Collections Library, Bates College, 70 Campus Avenue, Lewiston, Maine 04240-6018.
Recommended Citation
O'Brien, Stuart, "Palmer, Linwood E. oral history interview" (1998). Edmund S. Muskie Oral History Collection. 316.
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes discussion of: Palmer’s personal and family background; the Nobleboro, Maine community; his early political career; what his campaigns were like then and as a finance manager now; his time in the legislature, especially relating to Muskie; the makeup of the Senate; highway and transportation problems in Maine; Lincoln County economic history; years Palmer spent in Boston from 1951-1971; his return to the Legislature and how it changed; running for Governor; why he did not become Secretary of State; why he wanted to be Governor; Angus King; and contemporary Maine politics.