Event Website


Start Date

1-4-2011 1:45 PM

End Date

1-4-2011 3:00 PM


Lead is an elusive public health concern that effects neurological development at blood levels as low as 10ug/dl. Lead has a high affinity for cysteine sites of zinc proteins, such as metallothionein-3. This specific isoform is found abundantly in the central nervous system and can act as a heavy metal sponge. This study purified metallothionein - 3 from E. coli using fast protein liquid chromatography and a GST-tag with a thrombin recognition site. Further studies are on-going involving ICP and metal titrations to characterize lead(II) binding.

Apr 1st, 1:45 PM Apr 1st, 3:00 PM

A Study of Metallothionein-3, Brain-Specific Protein, and Lead(II) Binding Affinity

Lead is an elusive public health concern that effects neurological development at blood levels as low as 10ug/dl. Lead has a high affinity for cysteine sites of zinc proteins, such as metallothionein-3. This specific isoform is found abundantly in the central nervous system and can act as a heavy metal sponge. This study purified metallothionein - 3 from E. coli using fast protein liquid chromatography and a GST-tag with a thrombin recognition site. Further studies are on-going involving ICP and metal titrations to characterize lead(II) binding.
