Presenter Information

Rachel Carlson, Bates College

Event Website

Start Date

1-4-2011 1:45 PM

End Date

1-4-2011 3:00 PM


The primary goal of this thesis is to purify and characterize metallothionein-3 (MT-3) proteins. MT-3 is primarily expressed in the central nervous system and contains 20 cysteine residues involved with the binding of heavy metals. MT-3 offers a potential target protein for lead binding and the binding of lead in place of the native metal could have implications for improper folding of the protein disrupting the functionality. It is important to study the binding propensity of lead to MT-3 as binding could be further related to mechanisms associated with symptoms of lead poisoning. The Glutathione S-Transferase (GST) Gene Fusion System method is used for the expression and purifcaton of MT-3. MT-3 was effectively purified and isolated using the GE AKTA UPC 10 FPLC; specifically a 5mL GSTrap FF affinity column and a 5mL His Benzamidine FF column from GE. Studies to determine the zinc content of the purified MT-3 were initiated. Metal content and protein concentration of MT-3 using ICP-OES continue to be investigated.

Apr 1st, 1:45 PM Apr 1st, 3:00 PM

Purification and Characterization of Metallothionein-3: A Possible Target for Lead

The primary goal of this thesis is to purify and characterize metallothionein-3 (MT-3) proteins. MT-3 is primarily expressed in the central nervous system and contains 20 cysteine residues involved with the binding of heavy metals. MT-3 offers a potential target protein for lead binding and the binding of lead in place of the native metal could have implications for improper folding of the protein disrupting the functionality. It is important to study the binding propensity of lead to MT-3 as binding could be further related to mechanisms associated with symptoms of lead poisoning. The Glutathione S-Transferase (GST) Gene Fusion System method is used for the expression and purifcaton of MT-3. MT-3 was effectively purified and isolated using the GE AKTA UPC 10 FPLC; specifically a 5mL GSTrap FF affinity column and a 5mL His Benzamidine FF column from GE. Studies to determine the zinc content of the purified MT-3 were initiated. Metal content and protein concentration of MT-3 using ICP-OES continue to be investigated.