
Theses from 2024


A Paleoseismic Investigation of the Marquesado Fault in San Juan (27-33.5°S), Argentina, Drew Cochran, Shreya Arora, Jeremy Rimando, Gustavo F. Ortiz, Melina Villalobos, and Raul Gomez


Determining Surface Rupture of the 1803 Earthquake in Central Himalaya Using Paleoseismology, Molly E. Harmon


Carbon Dynamics Upstream and Downstream of a Tidal Restriction in Drakes Island Salt Marsh, Wells, Maine, Jamie W. Hollander


Tidal restriction affects carbon dynamics in the Jones Creek Salt Marsh, Scarborough, ME, USA, Anna E. Sarrazin


The Nature of a Quartz Pebble Conglomerate Unit as Understood through Large-Scale Mapping and Thin Section Analysis, Cal D. Schrupp

Theses from 2023


Analyzing Mono Basin Surface Waters for Stable Isotopes (𝛅𝟏𝟖𝐎 and 𝛅𝟐𝐇) and Major Cations to Assess Basin-Wide Evaporation and Geochemical Inputs, Madison A. Broda


An Inventory and Analysis of Post Glacial Faults in Maine, Nicholas Chiu


The Application of 239+240Pu to Quantify Soil Erosion and Deposition Rates in a Deforested Watershed in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, Eli Gundersen


Plant Succession and Soil Chemical Weathering on Post-glacial Landscapes, SE Alaska, Alana Margerum


A Paleoseismic Investigation of the Central Seismic Gap and Rupture Extent of the AD1505 Earthquake: Northwest Himalaya, India, Natalie Meenan


Petrogenetic history of lava flows from the Casitas Shield in the Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile, Maeve S. Mikulski

Theses from 2022


Methane Emissions, Carbon Sequestration, and Groundwater Hydrology Along the Freshwater Margin of the Sprague River Salt Marsh, Parker Caswell


Road Salt Retention and Its Impacts on the Water Quality of the Impaired Hart Brook Watershed (Lewiston, Maine), Chen Chen


Reconstructing early Holocene warmth in outer Isfjorden, Svalbard using stable isotope analysis on the ocean quahog, Arctica islandica, Emma Isabelle Christman


Quantifying Crevassing, Damage, and Deformation on the Vaughan Lewis Icefall, Alaska, Cecilia G. Gichner


Marine Climate Reconstruction from the Early Holocene Arctica islandica from Erdmannflya Peninsula, Svalbard, Dewi Henry


Assessing the Impacts of a Ditch Plug on Groundwater Hydrology, Sedimentation, and Carbon Dynamics in a Salt Marsh, Phippsburg ME, Henry Stephen King


Nitrogen isotopes in Zostera marina: tracking anthropogenic nitrogen in Casco Bay, Maine., Ojochenemi T. Maji


Holocene marine climate reconstruction through δ18O isotopes of the bivalve Serripes groenlandicus, Maya P. McDonough


Spatial Elevation Dynamics and Carbon Sequestration Variability Within Sprague Marsh, Phippsburg, Maine, Margaret R. O'Brien


Geochemistry of Three Distinct Lewiston Quadrangle Pegmatites, ZaneAldeen Rahabi


A Structural Analysis of the Plumbago Mountain Fault, Pluton, and Associated Pegmatites, Evan Joseph Saltman


A comparison of carbon sequestration and vegetation history in two Maine salt marshes, Emily Lillian Torkelsen

Theses from 2021


Post cleanup composition and geochemical analysis of historic gold processing residues, Owen Daniell


Impacts of Sea-Level Rise, Accretion, and Subsidence on Recent Changes in Elevation of the Sprague Marsh in Phippsburg, Maine., Summer Caroline Dias


Quantifying Changes in Snow Melt Conditions and Water Equivalent as Result of Arctic Warming in Linnédalen, Svalbard, Olympia CH Fisher


Bedrock Geology, Geochronology, and Tectonic History of the Bronson Hill Anticlinorium in Northern New Hampshire, Liza Anne Folsom


Geometry of Brittle and Ductile Bedrock Structures Influencing Groundwater Hydrology Adjacent to the Chlor-alkali Superfund Site, Berlin, NH, Peter B. Galloway


The effect of tidal flow restriction on carbon density in Sprague and Small Point marsh, Phippsburg, Maine., Brianna Karboski


Data Analysis and Spatial Mapping of Dissolved Oxygen in the Surface Waters of the Androscoggin River from 1930-2019, Vanessa Lee Paolella


Flow Banding Formation in Spherulitic Felsic to Intermediate Composition Dikes at Mt. Jasper, Berlin, New, Evelyn Randazzo


Monitoring Beach Retreat and Sediment Shift at Seawall Beach, Phippsburg, ME, Jacob Purdy Russett

The Nature of the Bronson Hill Anticlinorium - Central Maine Terrane Contact in the North Berlin 7.5’ Quadrangle, New Hampshire, Thomas F. Sheils


A Comparison of Sediments from Above and Below a Tidal Restriction in the Back River Creek Marsh, Woolwich, ME, Carolyn Ruth Snow

Theses from 2020


Exploring the Possibility of Liquid Immiscibility in the Ste. Dorothée Sill near Montréal, Québec, Michael Cooper


The Effects of Fluorine on the Viscosity of Melts in the (Na, K) ALSiO4-SiO2 System, Emily Erard-Stone


Impact of Lead Mining on Sediments in a Proximal Pond to the Mascot Mine in Gorham, New Hampshire, Forrest Hamilton


Late Glacial to Holocene Sea Level History of Kapp Linné, Svalbard, Norwegian High Arctic, Hannah Brierly Johnson


A Historical Account of Atmospheric Lead Deposition in Basin Pond, Fayette, Maine, Samuel Kent Onion


Estimating the Displacement on the Norumbega Fault System Using Quartz Microstructures, Christopher T. Sargent


Hydroclimate Reconstruction in the Changing High Arctic Maritime Environment, Linnédalen, Svalbard, Emma Lea Wheeler

Theses from 2018


The Alderbrook and Riverton Stages of Glacial Lake Israel and their Significance to the Indigenous Peoples of the Israel River Complex, Hazel Cashman


Eelgrass Bed Carbon Storage in Casco Bay, John Doyle, Beverly Johnson, and Philip Dostie


Assessing the Amount of Carbon Stored in Maine Salt Marshes, Ashley L. Kulesza


Sediment trap analysis in high-arctic lake Linnévatnet indicates a recent shift in the annual hydrological regime, Gabriel H. P. McGinn


A Zooarchaeological and Paleoclimate Analysis of Gadus Morhua Otoliths Recovered from the Sandwick South Site, Shetland Islands, United Kingdom, A. Douglas McNab


Structure and Kinematics of the Jefferson Oliverian Dome in the Southern Half of the Mt. Crescent 7.5’ Quadrangle, New Hampshire, Thorn King Merrill


Bedrock Mapping of the Southern Portion of the 7.5 Minute Mt. Crescent Quadrangle, Northern New Hampshire, Kurt A. Niiler


The postglacial sea level history of Ingøya, northern Norway, Sam Rickerich


Urbanization: Impact on Dissolved Oxygen and Sedimentation in the Hart Brook Watershed (Lewiston, Maine), Hannah Rae Slattery


Analysis of Thermal Properties of Permafrost, and Modeling, Mary Elizabeth Szatkowski

Theses from 2017


The effect of fluorine on melt viscosity in the NaAlSiO4 - KAlSiO4 system, Madeline Stella Bruno and Genevieve Robert


The Effect of Fluorine on the Viscosity of Jadeite-Leucite Melts, Olin Rico Carty and Geneviève Robert


Methane Emissions Above and Below a Ditch Plug, Sprague River Marsh, Phippsburg, ME, Kelsey Chenoweth


Salinic to Neoacadian Deformation within the Migmatite Zone of the Central Maine Belt in Western Maine, Erik James Divan


Newly Discovered Albee Formation in the Northern Half of the Jefferson, NH 7.5’ Quadrangle: Detrital Zircons, Structure, and Tectonics, Ian W. Hillenbrand


Petrology of the hastingsite-riebeckite Granite of Mt. Cabot, NH, Colin Robert Kraft


A Mid-Late Holocene Multi-Proxy Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of Northern Finnmark Using a Sediment Core from the Island of Ingøy, Norway, Claire Lockwood Markonic


Late-Season High-Sedimentation Events in a Sediment Trap Record from Linnévatnet, Svalbard, Norway, Noel L. Potter


Assessing the effectiveness of using Typha as a proxy for estimating seasonal methane emissions on Maine’s southeastern salt marshes, Daniel Stames


Stable Isotopic Evidence for Nutrient Cycling at Two Zostera marina Meadows in Cape Cod, MA, Yacine Sylla


Bedrock Geology, Stratigraphy and Geochronology in the Migmatite Terrain of the Southern Gilead 7.5’ Quadrangle, Western Maine, Audrey Wheatcroft


Paleoenviromental Reconstruction from the Sediment Record of the Varved Proglacial Linnévatnet, Svalbard, Norwegian High Arctic, Gwenyth Williams

Theses from 2016


The Influence of pressure and temperature on the metal-silicate partitioning of V, Cr, and Mn: implications for the formation of the Earth’s core, Christopher William Bradbury


Monitoring the Effects of Marine Derived Nitrogen due to an Alewife Migration at Nequasset Lake, Woolwich, Me, Andre Brittis-Tannenbaum


Structure and Geochronology of the Jurassic Pliny Range Caldera Complex: 7.5’ Jefferson Quadrangle, Northern New Hampshire, Jordan Leigh Cargill


Recent Changes To The Dynamic Sandy Beach System At The Mouth Of The Kennebec River, Mid-Coast Maine, Nicole Marie Cueli


Methane emissions along a salinity gradient of a restored salt marsh in Casco Bay, Maine, Cailene M. Gunn


Applications of LiDAR in the study of landscape geomorphology, Sandwich Range, White Mountain National Forest, Sarah G. Koe


Hydrothermal oxide and nontronite deposits at Seamount 3, Wolf-Darwin lineament, Galapagos Archipelago, Ecuador, Megan J. Lubetkin, Steven Carey, and Genevieve Robert


Mid-Holocene Marine Paleoclimate Reconstruction Through Schlerochronological Analysis of Arctica islandica from Finnmark, Rolvsøya, Northern Norway, Samuel Zimet Mark


High Resolution XRF Sediment Analysis of Late Season Precipitation Events in a High Arctic Glaciated Watershed: Svalbard, Norway, Christiane P. McCabe


Stocks and Sources of Carbon Buried in the Salt Marshes and Seagrass Beds of Patos Lagoon, Southern Brazil, Elizabeth Weis Patterson


A Late-Holocene Marine Climate Reconstruction Using the Bivalve Arctica islandica from Northern Norway, Julia Margaret Savage


The Effect of Na:K Ratio on Melt Viscosity within the SiO2-NaAlSiO4-KAlSiO4 System, Rebecca Anne Smith

Theses from 2015


Mobilization of Metals by Fungi in Historic Cemeteries, Eleanor D. Briggs


A Paleolimnological Study Reconstructing Organic Carbon Accumulation and Climate History; Mealy Mountains, Labrador, Canada, Timothy D. Campbell


Deformation Post-Doming: New mapping of the Oliverian Jefferson Dome, Mt. Dartmouth 7.5' Quadrangle, New Hampshire, Michelle Devoe


Analysis and Comparison of Physical Properties and Morphology of Impact Melt Flows on Venus and the Moon to Determine Atmospheric Controls, Christine Elizabeth Dong


Reconstruction of the Post-Glacial Formation of the Peddocks Island Salt Marsh, Hull, MA, Sean W. Enos


Paleoclimatic implication of lake sediment geochemistry in Linnévatnet, Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Benjamin Gray Merkert


Petrogenesis and Paleostress Analysis of the Mesozoic Mill Brook Dike Zone in the Mount Dartmouth 7.5' Quadrangle, New Hampshire, Graham Grear Oxman


Analysis of Sediment Traps in Linnévatnet, Svalbard for Reconstruction of Annual Sediment Flux and Lacustrine Processes, Tess L. Walther


Bedrock Geology of the Mt. Dartmouth 7.5' Quadrangle, New Hampshire, Sarah Mei Xiao and J. Dykstra Eusden

Theses from 2014


A Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of Linnédalen, Svalbard using Geochemical and Productivity Proxies, Alexandra Michelle Balter


Petrographic Analysis and Tectonic Implications of the Plutons in the Gilead 7.5 Quadrangle: Connections to the Piscataquis Volcanic Arc and Sebago Batholith, Saebyul C. Choe


Nutrient dynamics of an alewife migration in Nequasset Lake: Evidence and modeling efforts, Wells Tanner Cunningham


A Physical and Mineralogical Analysis of Late Holocene Sand Deposits: A Case Study of Little Ice Age Coastal Change in the Shetland Islands, UK, Christopher Trent Halsted


Using LiDAR to Map the Geomorphology of the Swift River Region of the White Mountain National Forest, New Hampshire, Cameron A. Held


LiDAR as a Tool for Lineament Mapping and the Reevaluation of Bedrock and Glacial Geology: Examples from the Mount Moosilauke Region of the White Mountain National Forest, New Hampshire, Joshua T. Sturtevant

LiDAR as a Tool for Lineament Mapping and the Reevaluation of Bedrock and Glacial Geology: Examples from the Mount Moosilauke Region of the White Mountain National Forest, New Hampshire, Joshua T. Sturtevant


Depositional Setting and Deformation History of Central-Western Maine: Silurian Stratigraphic Revisions for the Newry-Gilead Region, Sula Q. Watermulder

Theses from 2013


Assessing the impact of marine-derived nutrient on nitrogen cycling in Nequasset Lake in reponse to the 2012 migration of anadromous alewives (Alosa pseudoherangus), Chester Chiao, Beverly Johnson, Philip Dostie, and Theodore V. Willis


600 Years of Late Holocene Climate Variability Inferred from a Varved Proglacial Sediment Record Linnévatnet, Svalbard, Norway, Colin W. Dowey and Michael J. Retelle


A Geomorphic and Sedimentological Study of the Periglacial Processes and Environments, Vardeborgsletta, Western Spitsbergen Svalbard, Lauren Brett Farnsworth


Analysis of brittle Paleogene structures in the Svea region, eastern Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Amanda LaFarge Goss


A geochemical investigation of Late Holocene lake sediment cores from Pyramid Lake, Fiordland, New Zealand, David J. Harning


Variations in hypoxia and productivity along the Oregon Margin during the Younger Dryas and Early Holocene, Conor M. Maginn, Beverly Johnson, Jennifer L. McKay, Jesse M. Muratli, and Alan C. Mix


Maine's blue carbon: estimating carbon stocks in Maine saltmarshes, Margaret Alice Pickoff


Tracking Seasonal and Storm Induced Recession of the Popham-Seawall Barrier Beach Complex, Phippsburg, Maine, Amanda Lee Wescott