Department or Program

Environmental Studies


This research aims to determine if COVID-19 is driving rural gentrification in the Methow Valley and its impacts on the environment, economy, and community. The Methow Valley has about 2,300 full-time residents and is located in North Central Washington State. The Valley is a high amenity area that draws people to it for its natural beauty. Since the pandemic began, people have been migrating out of cities. The Methow Valley is just one example of many where people are choosing to relocate. A mixed research method was used; conducting interviews with community members, sending out a survey, and collecting data to understand how this rural area has changed since the pandemic. Through my work, I found a change in average home values of 57.5% in the last year alone, a rumored 400 new families have moved to the area, and a general shift in the community is taking place. There is substantial evidence that rural gentrification is happening in this area and that the full impacts are still unknown, but this work will be helpful for further studies in the future.

Level of Access

Restricted: Campus/Bates Community Only Access

First Advisor

Carissa Aoki

Date of Graduation


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts

Number of Pages



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