Choosing Between Hope and Fear: A Collective Reflection on Coming of Age During the Climate Crisis
Department or Program
Environmental Studies
This collection is meant to demonstrate some of the collective experiences, thoughts, feelings, and stories of those within my generation, who have grown up dealing with the climate crisis. It focuses on the lived experiences of youth who are coming of age during a time when the effects of climate change are some of the biggest realities we face. Learning to grapple with what our futures might look like, and what climate change means for humanity, has been a defining characteristic of this generation. This collection also aims to lift up the voices of those who are not always given the opportunity to share their stories, and to reflect on shared experiences in an effort to bring to light the challenges we face as a generation, At the core of this project, I am asking the reader to rethink their positionality, privilege, pre-existing notions, and ultimately their outlook on life.
Level of Access
Restricted: Campus/Bates Community Only Access
First Advisor
Francis Eanes
Date of Graduation
Degree Name
Bachelor of Arts
Recommended Citation
Edelman-Gold, Lily I., "Choosing Between Hope and Fear: A Collective Reflection on Coming of Age During the Climate Crisis" (2021). Standard Theses. 254.
Number of Pages