Department or Program
Environmental Studies
The enclosure of land and food production technology that began during Western colonization in what is now called Lewiston was part of a larger global movement towards the commodification of food through Western notions of capital and private ownership. The contention of this paper is that this historical context has produced our current food crisis: a paradox where, despite production of more than enough food to feed the world’s population, hundreds of millions of people do not have access to adequate food. The Lewiston community experiences high rates of food insecurity despite the presence of food organizations battling hunger. Through an analysis of three frameworks aimed at addressing food insecurity, this paper argues that the persistence of hunger is not a result of organizational or production failures, but of structural ones. In response to this conclusion, this thesis explores the potential for re- commoning and revaluing food in Lewiston. I argue that to begin to escape from the commodified foodscape, food must be revalued to include its multiple, complex, and highly personal qualities. I explore this potential through an analysis of three models of potential commoning – community fridges, food sharing technology, and non-profit community kitchens.
Level of Access
Restricted: Embargoed [Open Access After Expiration]
Date of Graduation
Degree Name
Bachelor of Arts
Recommended Citation
Worsh-Farnum, Sophie, "A Case for Re-Commoning: The (De)commodification of Food in Lewiston, Maine" (2023). Standard Theses. 302.
Number of Pages