Theses from 2012
Bedrock and Groundwater Interaction: Tracing the Potential for Cation Contamination in Groundwater, Small Point, Maine, Jennifer A. Lindelof
Using Sedimentary and Geochemical Proxies for Little Ice Age Climate Climate Change Reconstructions, South Mainland Shetland, Jennifer A. Lindelof
Kinematics of the Phippsburg Shear Zone at Hermit Island and the Wood Islands, Small Point, Maine, Peter Kent Miller
The Structure and Stratigraphy of Small Point, Maine: D3 Inverted Transtensional Map-Scale Folds of Neoacadian Provenance, Haley Russell Sive
The Characterization of Organic Carbon from Sedimentary Cores from Zostera marina beds, Maquoit Bay, Casco Bay, Maine, Elizabeth Emily Sonshine
Evaluation of the response and recovery of a forested watershed to human disturbances based on a multi-proxy analysis of sediments in Trout Pond, Lyme, NH, Ethan O. Yackulic and Timothy L. Cook
Theses from 2011
Nitrogen Isotopes in Zostera marina: a Potential Indicator of Anthropogenic Nutrient Loading in Casco Bay, Gulf of Maine, Gregory Edward Flynn
Stable Isotopic Shifts in Late Holocene Fish Bones from Multiple Archaeological Coastal Middens in Penobscot Bay, Maine, Carrie Maxene Harris
Paleostress Analysis of Mesozoic Extension in Fractures and Basalt Dikes, Great Gulf, NH, Carter A. Kindley
A Biogeochemical Study of Ditchplug and Natural Pools in Sprague River Marsh, Phippsburg, ME, Ingrid Knowles
The Vogar Fissure Swarm, Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland: Aseismic Kinematics of an Oblique Rift Zone, Keegan Timothy Runnals