This page contains honors theses produced by senior Gender and Sexuality Studies majors (formally Women and Gender Studies). For a list of all honors theses since 2011, click here.
Theses from 2019
Passively Black, Actively Unprofessional: Beyond a Fault-Based Conception of Black Women’s Identity and Hairstyling in Title VII Jurisprudence, Kayla K. Jackson
Theses from 2018
Intimacy and Desire Through the Lens of an Aro-Ace Woman of Color, Christina Lang
Theses from 2017
Constructing Womanhood and the Female Cyborg: A Feminist Reading of Ex Machina and Westworld, Zoe E. Seaman-Grant
Theses from 2014
"Another Landscape, Another Tongue:" The Queer Language of Silence in Virginia Woolf's Fiction, Sarah Streat