Department or Program
Environmental Studies
In 2018, Lewiston received a Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. In conjunction with the city of Lewiston and Community Concepts, Inc., the Healthy Neighborhoods Planning Council has been managing the grant to create a neighborhood transformation plan. This plan focuses on making the Tree Streets Neighborhood a holistically healthier place where people choose to live. A key component is access to safe, green places where all residents can exercise, socialize, and develop networks (Healthy Neighborhood Network Structure 2018). Kennedy Park has the potential to provide such access for Tree Street residents. In order to better understand Kennedy Park’s role, I ask: How does Kennedy Park currently influence Tree Street residents’ sense of place? In what ways can ongoing Healthy Neighborhood- and Choice-related initiatives transform Kennedy Park so that the park fosters deeper sense of place and positive attachment among all Tree Street residents? As a concept, sense of place can be utilized to evaluate how people relate to place. My research utilizes the subconcepts of place attachment, place dependence, place identity, and place satisfaction; as well as concepts of processes of attachment as laid out by Setha M. Low and Jennifer E. Cross. Through in-depth resident interviews, in-person observation, and a thorough review of relevant documents, I explore these questions. The resulting analysis provides insight into Kennedy Park, and ways it can be enhanced or maintained to perpetuate deeper sense of place and positive attachment among Tree Street residents.
Level of Access
Open Access
First Advisor
Eanes, Francis
Date of Graduation
Degree Name
Bachelor of Arts
Recommended Citation
Metsch-Ampel, Dylan Peter, "Sense of Place in Kennedy Park: the Role of Urban Green Space in the Tree Streets Neighborhood" (2019). Honors Theses. 275.
Number of Pages
Community Engagement