Department or Program
Physics and Astronomy
A growing subfield of atomic physics is focused on the miniaturization of Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC)-producing apparatus. Perhaps the largest step forward in this area was the development of the so-called “atom chip.” These microfabricated devices can create tight traps for neutral atoms. In 2018, NASA’s Cold Atom Laboratory (CAL) was launched and installed aboard the International Space Station (ISS). It utilizes a modified miniature atom chip apparatus produced by ColdQuanta called the RuBECi. In this thesis, we present progress towards achieving BEC in a Bates-owned RuBECi, particularly focusing on the laser cooling and magneto-optical trapping stages of the BEC process.
Level of Access
Open Access
First Advisor
Lundblad, Nathan
Date of Graduation
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
Recommended Citation
Ćwik, Michał, "2D and 3D Magneto-Optical Trapping of ⁸⁷Rb in an Atom Chip Bose-Einstein Condensation Apparatus" (2020). Honors Theses. 312.
Number of Pages