Department or Program
In origami, an artist uses paper to construct a three-dimensional object by making folds from a set of seed points. The intersections formed from the folds are then used as reference points for new folds. Abstractly, we can represent the paper with a plane. We form a subset of this plane by intersecting along angles from seed points, and we are interested in special properties of this subset. Under certain constraints, the origami construction gives rise to a subset with mathematical structure, including the topological structure of a lattice or the algebraic structure of a subring. We first explore the conditions that give rise to an origami ring that is a subset of the complex numbers. The complex plane is an example of a Euclidean space, which is constructed using the Parallel Postulate. When this axiom is altered, we work with the hyperbolic plane, where multiple parallel hyperbolic lines can intersect a particular point. In our origami constructions, new reference points are made by intersecting two lines. Since the hyperbolic plane has fundamentally different geometry due to its axiomatization, constructed points are different when we operate in the hyperbolic plane compared to when they start in the complex plane. We reach partial results showing that the origami procedure is different in the hyperbolic plane. However, we do show a new classification of origami lattices by using the classical modular group as a moduli space for complex lattices, and raise new questions about the containment of all lattices in origami lattices.
Level of Access
Open Access
First Advisor
Salerno, Adriana
Date of Graduation
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
Recommended Citation
Banerjee, Deveena R., "Exploring Structure in Origami Constructions" (2020). Honors Theses. 314.
Number of Pages
Components of Thesis
1 pdf file