Document Type
Sound Clip
Publication Date
Length: 14 min. 5 sec.
Location: Senator's office, Washington, D.C., for WTEV, Providence, Rhode Island, and New Bedford, Massachusetts
Date: July 22, 1970
Content: ESM on Machiasport hearings, oil imports, 1972 election, environmental protection, Cooper-Church/McGovern-Hatfield Amendments, crime and law enforcement. Senator's answer to question "What makes Muskie tick?” Interview may not be complete as it ends abruptly. Introduction: Susan B. Schiffer.
Audio quality: Good
Recommended Citation
Muskie, Edmund S. and Schiffer, Susan B., "SC0106 - Interview with Susan B. Schiffer - ESM on Machiasport hearings, oil imports, 1972 election, environmental protection, Cooper-Church/McGovern-Hatfield Amendments, crime and law enforcement. Senator's answer to question "What makes Muskie tick?”" (1970). Audio files. 107.