Document Type
Sound Clip
Publication Date
Length: 26 min. 50 sec.
Location: National Democratic Club, New York, N.Y.
Date: October 27, 1970
Content: Goldberg on Democratic leadership, Rockefeller; Ottinger on Muskie, Agnew tactics; Muskie on New York candidates, questions from press about 1970 election, control of U.S. Senate, Agnew in New York, Senate race.
Audio quality: Good
Recommended Citation
Muskie, Edmund S., "SC0136 - Press conference for Arthur Goldberg and Richard Ottinger - Goldberg on Democratic leadership, Rockefeller; Ottinger on Muskie, Agnew tactics; Muskie on New York candidates, questions from press about 1970 election, control of U.S. Senate, Agnew in New York, Senate race" (1970). Audio files. 137.