Document Type
Sound Clip
Publication Date
Length: 34 min. 49 sec.
Location: Cairo, Egypt.
Date: January 13, 1971
Content: Muskie remarks to press he was glad to be in Moscow with Governor Averill Harriman, purpose of trip and then accepts questions from press about his meeting with Kosygin, other government officials, Middle East. Anti-Soviet demonstrations in New York, three areas to discuss regarding East-West relations at Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT), Berlin talks, and Middle East Talks. Why Soviet interest in European Security Conference, why Soviets devoted so much time in meeting with Muskie, trade, agreements regarding space, oceanography, computer science. Muskie gives his evaluation of Kosygin as person, then talks about Lake Baikal Project, environment.
Audio quality: Good
Recommended Citation
Muskie, Edmund S., "SC0163 - Remarks at Press conference - Muskie remarks to press he was glad to be in Moscow with Governor Averill Harriman, purpose of trip and then accepts questions from press about his meeting with Kosygin, other government officials, Middle East. Anti-Soviet demonstrations in New York, three areas to discuss regarding East-West relations at Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT), Berlin talks, and Middle East Talks. Why Soviet interest in European Security Conference, why Soviets devoted so much time in meeting with Muskie, trade, agreements regarding space, oceanography, computer science. Muskie gives his evaluation of Kosygin as person, then talks about Lake Baikal Project, environment" (1971). Audio files. 163.