Document Type
Sound Clip
Publication Date
Length: 23 min. 16 sec.
Location: Meeting for solicitation of ideas for campaign, with Morris Abrams, New York, N.Y.
Date: May 23, 1971
Content: Muskie addresses group assembled to generate new ideas that has chance of dealing with pressing domestic problems to come to him in any from, memos, speeches etc. When asked what is basic problem he states economics, lack of confidence and leadership, resource to support cities; welfare, grants and other programs have not worked, and would like ideas of what reform needs to be made or things can be done. Morris Abrams introduces members of group, and thanks them for attending.
Audio quality: Good
Recommended Citation
Muskie, Edmund S., "SC0203 - Meeting - Muskie addresses group assembled to generate new ideas that has chance of dealing with pressing domestic problems to come to him in any from, memos, speeches etc. When asked what is basic problem he states economics, lack of confidence and leadership, resource to support cities; welfare, grants and other programs have not worked, and would like ideas of what reform needs to be made or things can be done. Morris Abrams introduces members of group, and thanks them for attending" (1971). Audio files. 195.