Document Type
Publication Date
Length: 92 min.
Location: Hearing of Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations on revenue sharing, Washington, D.C.
Date: June 1, 1971
Content: Muskie speaks on financial assistance to local government (Muskie as chair, Senator Howard Baker, George Berman, Doctor Walter Heller and Dewey Bartlett as witnesses). Case of National Citizens Committee for Revenue Sharing.
Audio quality: Good
Recommended Citation
Muskie, Edmund S., "SC0245 - Statement - Hearing of Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations on revenue sharing - Muskie speaks on financial assistance to local government (Muskie as chair, Senator Howard Baker, George Berman, Doctor Walter Heller and Dewey Bartlett as witnesses). Case of National Citizens Committee for Revenue Sharing" (1971). Audio files. 235.