Document Type
Sound Clip
Publication Date
Length: 55 min. 41 sec.
Location: Home of Marvin Davis, Denver, Colorado
Date: June 25, 1971
Content: Muskie speaks on 1972 campaign, Israel, U.S. policy toward Israel, Pentagon papers, Middle East, Rogers mission, trip to Soviet Union, Soviet Jews, John and Martha Mitchell, current mood in U.S., U.S. economy, Vietnam. Introduction: Marvin Davis.
Audio quality: Good
Recommended Citation
Muskie, Edmund S., "SC0251 - Remarks - Muskie speaks on 1972 campaign, Israel, U.S. policy toward Israel, Pentagon papers, Middle East, Rogers mission, trip to Soviet Union, Soviet Jews, John and Martha Mitchell, current mood in U.S., U.S. economy, Vietnam. Introduction: Marvin Davis" (1971). Audio files. 241.