Document Type
Sound Clip
Publication Date
Length: 45 min. 52 sec. Location: studio of N.H. Network in Durham, N.H. Date: March 5, 1972. Content: Five Democratic presidential candidates to express their views on issue, Edward Cole of Hartford Connecticut; Senator George McGovern, of South Dakota; Senator Vance Hartke, of Indiana; Senator Edmund Muskie, of Me. and Mayor Sam Yorty, of Los Angeles. Candidates speak in order as listed, four min. for opening statement followed by three colleagues from N.H. Press and Radio will join Neal Sevey in questioning candidates. Candidates spoke of following: tax on oil, importation, senior citizens, national defense, unemployment, cancer, Medicare, schools, tax reform, Social Security, Truman, Nixon, Italy, shoe workers, China, Russia. Newsmen from press and broadcasting putting questions to candidates are Richard Noyes, editor and publisher of Salem Weekly Observer; Peter Morrison, news director WKBR Radio. Manchester; Rod Paul, of Concord Monitor. Continued on SC535. Introduction: Neal Sevey. Audio quality: Good.
Recommended Citation
Muskie, Edmund S.; Cole, Edward; McGovern, George; Hartke, Vance; and Yorty, Sam, "SC0534 - New Hampshire Primary, Democratic Presidential Debate - Studio of New Hampshire Network in Durham, New Hampshire - Five Democratic presidential candidates to express their views on issues, Edward Cole of Hartford, Connecticut; Senator George McGovern of South Dakota; Senator Vance Hatke, of Indiana; Senator Edmund Muskie, of Maine; and Mayor Sam Yorty, of Los Angeles" (1972). Audio files. 451.