Document Type
Sound Clip
Publication Date
Length: 1 hour 22 min. 24 sec.
Date: June 2, 1970
Content: First two min. are unintelligible small talk. Background noise heard for 1 hour 18 min. 7 sec. , ESM’s schedule, stand on Vietnam. At 6 min. 51 sec. , voice overrides speaking to lawyer's group, role of lawyers in society and politics, his hobbies and schedule. Introduction: Ted Lippman.
Audio quality: Poor to good
Recommended Citation
Muskie, Edmund S. and Lippman, Ted, "SC0074 - Interview with Ted Lippman - ESM’s schedule, stand on Vietnam. Speaking to lawyer's group, role of lawyers in society and politics, his hobbies and schedule" (1970). Audio files. 75.