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Lake Sunapee, in central New Hampshire, USA, is a large oligotrophic lake that is showing signs of eutrophication. Used as a water source by the local residents and for recreational activities it is important to understand where these ecological changes are stemming from. The goal of this project is to analyze historical and current data using GIS to try and understand how changes in the landscape have affected the connected watershed. Layers of historical data including land cover types, vegetation, road construction, and urban development were used to reconstruct an historical image of Lake Sunapee that can be compared to current data layers. Two maps were made using the following GIS data layers for the Sunapee, NH, area: roads, streams, watershed, land cover, vegetation, population, digital elevation models, slope, and soil types. By combining these data layers we can compare how land cover and urbanization have changed over time in the Lake Sunapee area and potentially impacted the water body.



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