Film No. 132 & 133 - Meet the New Senators, Class of 1958 Freshman U.S. Senators
Film No. 132 & 133: Meet the New Senators, Class of 1958 freshman U.S. senators.
Date: 1959
Reel 1 Contents: Sen. Bartlett, Byrd, Howard Cannon, Thomas Dodd, Ernest Gruening, Vance Hartke, Kenneth Keating, Gale McGee. Introduction by Walter Cronkite.
Length: 30 minutes. Color: Black and white. Client: CBS.
Reel 2 Contents: Sen. Gale McGee, Moss, ESM, Winston Prouty, Jennings Randolph, Scott, and Stephen Young.
Length: 20 minutes. Color: Black and white. Client: CBS.
Publication Date
Recommended Citation
CBS, "Film No. 132 & 133 - Meet the New Senators, Class of 1958 Freshman U.S. Senators" (1959). Moving Images. 2.