Film No. 175: Muskie 1st Inauguration as Governor, 1955
Film No. 175: Muskie's first inauguration as governor; speech on industrial development, pollution, education, health and welfare, building program. Muskie sworn in by Sen. Robert Haskell. Attending: Muskie family, Gov. Burton Cross, Gov. Percival Baxter, David Nichols, Maine Speaker of the House Willis Trafton. Second part is inaugural ball, no sound.
Date: 1955.
Length: 20 minutes.
Color: Black and white.
Client: WGAN-TV, Portland. Peter Damborg, commentator. Nunzi Casavala, announcer.
Publication Date
Recommended Citation
WGAN-TV, "Film No. 175: Muskie 1st Inauguration as Governor, 1955" (1955). Moving Images. 27.