Edmund S. Muskie Oral History Collection
Document Type
Oral History
Publication Date
Interview Number
MOH 290
Barbara Abbott Hall was born in Fort Fairfield, Maine on February 19, 1920. She grew up in Turner and Hallowell, where he father taught school. She attended Bates College and graduated in the class of 1942. She knew John Donovan and Frank Coffin, as well as other prominent Bates graduates. She and her husband Richard Hall, whom she met while working at Harvard, have contributed extensively to the Bates campus through financial contributions and volunteering in alumni organizations. She and her husband, both Democrats, have been interested in Maine politics and Edmund S. Muskie throughout the years.
Use Restrictions
Copyright Bates College. This transcript is provided for individual Research Purposes Only; for all other uses, including publication, reproduction and quotation beyond fair use, permission must be obtained in writing from: The Edmund S. Muskie Archives and Special Collections Library, Bates College, 70 Campus Avenue, Lewiston, Maine 04240-6018.
Recommended Citation
Christie, Nicholas, "Hall, Barbara Abbott oral history interview" (2001). Edmund S. Muskie Oral History Collection. 156.
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes discussions of: family life; coming to Bates College; teaching; Lewiston and Bates College relations; gender bias on campus; Brooks Quimby; Frank Coffin; Muskie anecdote; meeting Richard Hall; campus politics; G.I. Bill; Bates changing; Democratic party; Nixon/Agnew; 1972; the environment; Muskie Archives; Kent State; Judith Isaacson; Chapel strike; and Kazushige Hirasawa.