Edmund S. Muskie Oral History Collection
Document Type
Oral History
Publication Date
Interview Number
MOH 433
Dixie Ann (Moore) Stedman was born November 3, 1949 in Hartland, Maine. She grew up in a Republican family, but became a Democrat. As a teenager and college student, she worked in Perry Furbush’s law office. At the time of this interview she worked at Bath Iron Works and lived in Bath, Maine.
Use Restrictions
Copyright Bates College. This transcript is provided for individual Research Purposes Only; for all other uses, including publication, reproduction and quotation beyond fair use, permission must be obtained in writing from: The Edmund S. Muskie Archives and Special Collections Library, Bates College, 70 Campus Avenue, Lewiston, Maine 04240-6018.
Recommended Citation
L'Hommedieu, Andrea, "Stedman, Dixie (Moore) oral history interview" (2004). Edmund S. Muskie Oral History Collection. 372.
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes discussions of: family background; Hartland, Maine community; and description, recollections and anecdotes of Perry Furbush.