Presenter Information

Douglas Goulding, Bates College

Event Website

Start Date

1-4-2011 1:45 PM

End Date

1-4-2011 3:00 PM


This research examines the perspectives of Sudan’s "Lost Boys" in the context of the country’s recent referendum to divide into separate northern and southern nations. The past experiences of the Sudanese “Lost Boys” as young refugees displaced by the country’s civil war are reflected in the ways these individuals talk about the vote and their assumed roles. Many "Lost Boys" have expressed optimism, describing the vote as a reason for return and a newfound freedom. Others are apprehensive, claiming the vote prompts uncertainty alongside unrest. We collected information from news articles published by agencies based in Africa and the United States and from scholarly articles. Our research is developing as the results of the referendum continue to unfold.

Apr 1st, 1:45 PM Apr 1st, 3:00 PM

Identity and the Creation of a Nation: Perceptions of the Vote among Sudanese "Lost Boys"

This research examines the perspectives of Sudan’s "Lost Boys" in the context of the country’s recent referendum to divide into separate northern and southern nations. The past experiences of the Sudanese “Lost Boys” as young refugees displaced by the country’s civil war are reflected in the ways these individuals talk about the vote and their assumed roles. Many "Lost Boys" have expressed optimism, describing the vote as a reason for return and a newfound freedom. Others are apprehensive, claiming the vote prompts uncertainty alongside unrest. We collected information from news articles published by agencies based in Africa and the United States and from scholarly articles. Our research is developing as the results of the referendum continue to unfold.