Event Website


Start Date

1-4-2011 1:45 PM

End Date

1-4-2011 3:00 PM


In this project, the 5' ends of RNA from two different bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi and Synechoccocus CC9311 were being identified. The interest in the identification of the 5' end transcripts is to further understand the regulation of operons. In this project the regulation of the alpha operon containing genes S4, S11 and S13 genes which in our model organism Escherichia coli its S4 acts as a regulatory protein. In our organisms of study, their alpha operons do not contain the S4 gene indicating an alternate way of regulation. The identification of the 5' ends in each of the bacteria was primarily done using 5' RACE method, TOPOTA plasmid vector cloning, DNA purification and sequenced at Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory using automated dideoxy DNA sequencing with fluorescent ddNTPs method and then analyzed using BLAST and Clustal W programs. A preliminary round of work indicated multiple 5' ends of transcripts for the r-proteins in both Borrelia and Synechococcus. Further research on this project will be using TAP to identify 5' ends form both bacteria which in research has shown more effective identification of the 5' ends.

Apr 1st, 1:45 PM Apr 1st, 3:00 PM

Determining 5' Ends in RNA Transcripts in Diverse Bacteria: Borrelia burgdorferi and Marine Synechoccocus CC9311

In this project, the 5' ends of RNA from two different bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi and Synechoccocus CC9311 were being identified. The interest in the identification of the 5' end transcripts is to further understand the regulation of operons. In this project the regulation of the alpha operon containing genes S4, S11 and S13 genes which in our model organism Escherichia coli its S4 acts as a regulatory protein. In our organisms of study, their alpha operons do not contain the S4 gene indicating an alternate way of regulation. The identification of the 5' ends in each of the bacteria was primarily done using 5' RACE method, TOPOTA plasmid vector cloning, DNA purification and sequenced at Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory using automated dideoxy DNA sequencing with fluorescent ddNTPs method and then analyzed using BLAST and Clustal W programs. A preliminary round of work indicated multiple 5' ends of transcripts for the r-proteins in both Borrelia and Synechococcus. Further research on this project will be using TAP to identify 5' ends form both bacteria which in research has shown more effective identification of the 5' ends.
