Media, the Mind, and You

Thorough Neuro: The Impacts of Screen Time on Children
Download Podcast Script (102 KB)
Publication Date
Academic Department
Faculty Advisor
Olivia Kim
brain, cognition, development, screen time, childhood
Our podcast will speak on the positive and negative impacts of technology on children. We will investigate its academic, social, and developmental influences. Our target audience can be anyone, but our episode can be especially helpful for parents of young children.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.
Course Description
This material was produced as part of the final exam for NRSC 225 (The Neuroscience of Video: How the Screen Affects our Minds and our Brains) in Bates College's Winter 2024 semester.
Neuroscience and Neurobiology
Recommended Citation
Bernstein, Sydney; Hurley, Austin; and Kwei, Maddy, "Thorough Neuro: The Impacts of Screen Time on Children" (2024). Media, the Mind, and You. 2.