Since 1927, Bates College has offered an Honors Program to promote, develop, and recognize academic work of higher quality than ordinarily required for the baccalaureate degree. The honors thesis is the written component of the yearlong program completed during the senior year under the guidance of a faculty advisor.

Historically, the final copy of the honors thesis has been submitted in paper format and made available for research at the Edmund S. Muskie Archives and Special Collections Library. To promote greater access to senior theses by the Bates community and the world beyond Bates, the College introduces SCARAB, the College's institutional repository.

Paper copies of honors theses from 1927 through 2011 can be viewed in the Edmund S. Muskie Archives and Special Collections Library. To see the library catalog record for paper copies of theses deposited in the Archives, click HERE.


Theses from 2016


La Mujer en La Frontera: Gender and Assimilation in Pedro Juan Soto’s Spiks, Joseph Foster’s Stephana, and José Antonio Villarreal’s Pocho, Jacqueline L. Paredes


Progress towards Bose-Einstein condensation on an atom chip as a functional testbed for experiments aboard the orbital NASA Cold Atom Laboratory, Daniel Adkins Paseltiner


Stocks and Sources of Carbon Buried in the Salt Marshes and Seagrass Beds of Patos Lagoon, Southern Brazil, Elizabeth Weis Patterson


Les Femmes Guides de Montagne: Negotiating Gendered Spaces in Morocco, Carly Elizabeth Peruccio


Searching for Blood in the Streets: Mapping Political Violence onto Urban Topography in the Late Roman Republic, 80-50 BCE, Theodore Samuel Rube


A Late-Holocene Marine Climate Reconstruction Using the Bivalve Arctica islandica from Northern Norway, Julia Margaret Savage


The Awkward, (Un)Desirable, and Enticing Politics of Sexuality and Reproductive Health in HBO's Girls, Rebecca Holly Schwartz


An Analysis of Lithic Materials and Morphology from the Late Maritime Woodland and Protohistoric Periods at the Devil’s Head site in the Maine Quoddy Region, Chris E. Shaw


"That's the Way We Flow": Hip Hop as Oral Literature, Patrick M. Smith

Effect of Endogenous Oxytocin on Psychosocial Adjustment as Moderated by Emotional Receptivity, Adriane Raftery Spiro


Defining the Conservative Woman: Margaret Thatcher, Politics, and Gender, Taylor West Stone


Fragmented Citizenship in a Fragmented State: Ideas, Institutions, and the Failure of Reconstruction, Allen C. Sumrall

Empathy, Medicine, and the Novel, Anna Sophia Williams


Lire Tintin : un héros en contexte, Hannah Margaret Zeltner

Theses from 2015


Contesting the Dominance of Neoliberalism: The Ideograph as a Force for Social Change, Jordan Tyler Becker


Hypocrisy Induction to Increase College Students’ Condom Use: A Dissonance-Based Safe Sex Intervention, Stephanie B. Benson


Wonder Woman Revealed: William Moulton Marston, World War II and the Rise of a Superheroine (1941-1959), Rebecca Katherine Carifio


A More Durable Peace: The Nexus Between Local Influence and Power-Sharing Governance, Benjamin Skorpen Claeson


Constitutional Assembly Breakdown: A Study of Why Nepal’s Constitution Writing Procces Failed, Evan Cooper


"She among them but never of them": Race and Sexuality through Tomboy Transformation Narratives of the Postwar Era, Michael John Creedon


Deformation Post-Doming: New mapping of the Oliverian Jefferson Dome, Mt. Dartmouth 7.5' Quadrangle, New Hampshire, Michelle Devoe

Creating a Moral Empowerment Program in Lewiston, ME, Brett Tomas Emmons

Individual and Synergistic Effects of Oxytocin and Dopamine on Fluid Intelligence, Ramya Ghantasala


The diversity of AlkBs: a structural and mechanistic comparison of three little-known alkane monooxygenase enzymes, Grace Elizabeth Hamilton


Sinhala Buddhist Nationalism and Islamophobia in Contemporary Sri Lanka, Robin Noel Badone Jones


Numbers and Shapes: Is Math Learning Enhanced by a Fantastical Context?, Natasha Renee Kalra


Developing Leadership Skills in Adolescent Girls, Caroline Anne Kern


Submissively Subversive: Mo Yan's Red Sorghum Clan and its Film Adaptation by Zhang Yimou, David FC Kohler


Peer and Self-Perceptions of Learning Differences, Megan Mariko Lapp


The Origins of American Unitarianism Reconsidered: Theophilus Lindsey, James Freeman, and the English Episcopal Reform Origins of American Unitarianism, Samuel Williams Learner


Walking on a Bridge You Also Built: Practitioners’ Experience Navigating the Borderland Between Western and Chinese Medicine, Rachel H. Levine


"Same Story Every Time / Being Black is Not a Crime": Gun Regulations and Recurrent Patterns of Government Control of Black Americans in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Joshua Kurzer Manson


Compulsory Licenses: Damaging Firm Value in the Short Run?, Daniel E. Mansuri Mr.


Les Mutations d’un lieu de mémoire. Le Vélodrome d’Hiver au cinéma : 1970 et 2010, Talia Rose Rees Mason


Vocal performance in the chipping sparrow: can a bird change his song?, Meredith C. Miles

Wastelands: Managing Trash and Humans on the US-Mexico Border, Gabriel Scott Nudel


Reflections in the Author's Eye: Optics, Involution, and Artifice in the Novels and Short Stories of Vladimir Nabokov, Amelia J. Oliver


Petrogenesis and Paleostress Analysis of the Mesozoic Mill Brook Dike Zone in the Mount Dartmouth 7.5' Quadrangle, New Hampshire, Graham Grear Oxman


Nuancing Czech Secularism and Debunking Assumptions of Atheism: Finding Spirituality and Questioning Identity in a Culturally Christian Post-Communist Society, Molly Irene Pailet


Using Community Structure Networks to Model Heterogeneous Mixing in Epidemics, and a Potential Application to HIV in Washington, D.C., Katherine Ragland Paulson


The Lady is a Tramp: The Integration of the Appalachian Mountain Club Hut System as a Distillation of the Women’s Rights Movement, Grace Lillian Pezzella


The Third Dimension of Power within Education Based NGOs in Nicaragua, Emily Catherine Roseman

Going West: An Interdisciplinary Study of Marfa, Texas, Martha Schnee


UNDER THE COVERS: Deconstructing the Presentation of the Human Reproductive System in Secondary Biology Education, Alexandra M. Skaperdas


White Privilege: A Study of White Students' Racial Awareness at a Predominantly White, but Historically Inclusive Institution, Quincy Elizabeth Snellings


"Infinitesimal Progress": Rethinking Bergsonian Modalities of Time in William Faulkner's Novels, 1929-1932, Beau P. Sperry


“To my virginity!”: Queerness, Silencing, and Dominicanity in Díaz’s The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, Nicholas Jason Steverson


What Role Did the Sassanid Empire Truly Play in the Fall of the Western Roman Empire? Exploring Divergences in Causal Frameworks, Nicholas Vladimir Strunc and Nicholas Vladimir Strunc


Decreased Attentional Abilities are Related to Dissociation in Undergraduates: An Exploratory Study of Dissociation, Cognition, Sleep and Mood, Hannah L. Weiss


Controlling Birth Control: Media Representations of Contraception in the 1960s, Anna Forest Whetzle


Evaluation of the ubiquitin-protein ligases UBE3A and DTX3L as mediators of EMCV 3C protease concentration, Joshua T. Zimmer

Theses from 2014


Scottish Nostalgias: Evocations of Home in the 1990s Poetry of Carol Ann Duffy, Jackie Kay, and Kathleen Jamie, Kathryn A. Ailes

Neuromodulatory Effects of Delta Opioid Receptors on Accessory Olfactory Bulb Processing, Abigail Jane Alexander


An Investigation of Quantum Dynamics in a Three-Level Bose-Einstein Condensate System, Saad J. Ansari


Same Sex Relationships and the Right to Intimate Association: Developing an Alternative Constitutional Framework in Support of Gay Rights, Evan L. Binder


Scotland within Empire: the Quest for Independence with or without Union, Michaela E. Brady


Why Haiti?: A case study of human processes in a "natural" disaster, Lucy Louisa Brennan


Materiality and the Literary Letter, Alexandra McDowell Carley


The Anthropology of Think Tanks: Democracy Promotion in Egypt after the 2011 Uprisings, Sabina Erika Lee Frizell


A Study of Matter-Wave Diffraction in Bose-Einstein Condensates for Atom Interferometry Applications, Yang Guo


Assessing the Landscape: In Search of a Coherent Value Theory for Environmental Ethics, Alex J. Hamilton


Do Reentrant Processes Facilitate Feature Binding?, Mariya E. Manahova


The More the Merrier: Exploring the Efficacy of Foreign Supernatural Agents as Mechanisms of Compensatory Control, Mary Alice Millard


El poder de la emoción en una marcha sin fin: Un diálogo con los académicos, la prensa internacional y las palabras de las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo, Hannah A. Miller


Design and construction of multi-dimensional optical lattices for 87 Rb Bose-Einstein condensates, Edward Russell Moan


Critical Speed Analysis of Railcars and Wheelsets on Curved and Straight Track, Joanna Charlotte Moody


The Ainu Speak of Famine: How Oral Traditions Reflect and Inform Historical Analysis of Changing Food Practices and Trade Relations in Early Modern Period Hokkaido (1603-1868), Joanna Charlotte Moody


Legal Hybridity: Rule of Law under Authoritarianism, Aung Phone Myint


The Tropical Eigenvalue-Vector Problem from Algebraic, Graphical, and Computational Perspectives, Alex William Nowak


The Biopolitics of Marriage and Motherhood: Understanding the Transformative Role of White Middle-Class Women in the American Eugenics Movement 1900-1930, Emma Barrett Perkinson


The Reign of “King Henequen”: The Rise and Fall of Yucatán’s Export Crop from the Pre-Columbian Era through 1930, Nyle Lucien Rioux


How the Mind Refigures Memory: The Role of Social Construction and Fallibility in the Fictions of Faulkner, Woolf, and Nabokov, Rebecca H. Salzman-Fiske


Chilean University Students’ Understandings of Dating Violence: A Qualitative Study, Simone H. Schriger


Religion and the Postmodern in Contemporary North American Fiction, Alexandra T. Sentner


The Politics of the Gate: Byzantine City Walls and the Urban Negotiation of Imperial Authority, Samuel Aldred Slattery


Sex Scandals in Victorian Britain: Moral Codes and National Reputation in Crisis, Rachel Spence

"Another Landscape, Another Tongue:" The Queer Language of Silence in Virginia Woolf's Fiction, Sarah Streat


LiDAR as a Tool for Lineament Mapping and the Reevaluation of Bedrock and Glacial Geology: Examples from the Mount Moosilauke Region of the White Mountain National Forest, New Hampshire, Joshua T. Sturtevant

The Education of ELL Students in Lewiston, Maine, Malia K G Taggart


Tribe (™): An Investigation of Ethnic Agency in Sebei, Uganda, Devin Tatro


Giant in the Hillside: Hip-hop and Copyright Law, Benjamin L. Vanasse


Control of Digital Information: Why Privacy Violations Reduce Our Freedom, Stephanie J. Wesson

Theses from 2013


Social Anxiety and Memory Conformity in Eyewitnesses, Alexandra Abry


Satire and the Necessity of Locale: Genealogical Readings in Max Beerbohm and Karl Kraus, Matthew Joseph Bettles


Structural and mechanistic characterization of the integral membrane non-heme diiron protein, alkane monooxygenase, from the oil-degrading bacterium Alcanivorax borkumensis, David Allan Born


Regulatory Focus Theory and Reactions to Anti-Egalitarian Humor, Stephanie Boyle

Synthesis and Antioxidant Activity of Phenylpropanoid Glycoside Analogs, Jennifer C. Brown


Classical Music Education: a transcontinental comparative study of classical music for today’s youth, Jessica Diana Cooper


Thymic Morphology and Increased Apoptotic Rates in Juvenile and Adult Female Mice Following Exposure to Low Levels of Arsenic Early in Development, Isabelle Lane Curran

Meta-affective processing and its relationship to serotonin and BDNF systems, Lauren A. Demers


Towards Global Justice: Reconciling Rawlsian Liberalism and Cosmopolitanism in an Interconnected World, Kate L. Fetrow


How to Maintain One-Party Control: A Case Study of the Political Strategies Used by New Hampshire Republicans, Mikayla Clara Foster


Turkey's Gender Equality Puzzle: Navigating the difference between policy and practice, Nora M. Hanagan


From Modernization and Development to Neoliberal Democracy: A History of the Ford Foundation in Latin America 1959-2000, Jacquelyn Marie Holmes


Hamd and Naat: Muslim Women Singers in Pakistan, Amna Ilyas


Requiem Mass for Chamber Orchestra and Choir, Miles C. Isacke


Diversity and characterization of songs in the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort population of bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) during their annual spring migration, 2011, Hansen Dalmasse Johnson

Dominant and subordinate male odors elicit different patterns of synaptic and intrinsic plasticity in accessory olfactory bulb mitral cells of female mice, Samantha Marie Landino

Peripheral Levels of Oxytocin and Affective Processing in Relation to Schizotypy, Laura Kolker Max


Protecting Life: A Metaphorical Analysis of the Pro-Life Abortion Movement and the Conservation Movement, Holly W. McLaughlin Ms.