Media, the Mind, and You

Red Blue and You: how political ads use your psychology for their advantage

Red Blue and You: how political ads use your psychology for their advantage


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Academic Department


Faculty Advisor

Olivia Kim


brain, cognition, influence, persuasion


In this podcast, we are going to discuss political advertisements and the neuroscience behind why they are so effective.

About the Authors

Katie Fahey is in the class of 2026 at Bates College. She is from New York. In her free time, she enjoys playing and watching soccer, hiking, skiing, and reading. She is fascinated by democracy and American politics and is an intern at a congressional office. Colton Sochia is in the class of 2025 at Bates College. In his free time, he enjoys skiing, cycling and hiking and loves to spend time with his friends and family. He studies neuroscience and is fascinated by the many ways in which our lives intersect with science! Lee Anderson is in the class of 2026 at Bates College. He is from North Carolina. In his free time, he enjoys music, playing tennis, and watching college basketball. He studies sociology and is fascinated by the intersection between power and society and how it affects our everyday lives.

Course Description

This material was produced as part of the final exam for NRSC 225 (The Neuroscience of Video: How the Screen Affects our Minds and our Brains) in Bates College's Winter 2024 semester.


Neuroscience and Neurobiology

Red Blue and You: how political ads use your psychology for their advantage
