Theses from 2018
Targeting Terrorist Leaders, Stephen Charles Rowe
The Scientific and Political Implications of Trump-Era Climate Science Censorship, Sarah H. Sachs
Europe’s Outsourced Refugees: Contextualizing NGO work in the “Calais of the Balkans”, John M. Sapoch
Power, Autonomy, and the Role of Law: Nudity and the Public-Private Distinction, Martin Francisco Saps
Depth of Processing in Object Substitution Masking, Gwen E. Savino
The Role of Diagnostic Objects in the Temporal Dynamics of Visual Scene Categorization, Julie Stitt Self
Urbanization: Impact on Dissolved Oxygen and Sedimentation in the Hart Brook Watershed (Lewiston, Maine), Hannah Rae Slattery
Reviving Gogol: "Diary of a Madman" in the Modern Scope, Nathaniel J. Stephenson
Analysis of Thermal Properties of Permafrost, and Modeling, Mary Elizabeth Szatkowski
A Machine Learning Approach for Predicting Inpatient Discharge at Central Maine Medical Center, Mats Terwiesch
Rethinking Environmentally Responsible Behavior and Curriculum Design for a Local Maine High School, Dylan R. Thombs
An Avian-Centered Model for the Dispersal of Ixodes scapularis by Fall Songbird Migrants, Benjamin A. Tonelli
An Oral Health Assessment of Migrant & Seasonal Farmworker Children of Maine and Child Residents of Lewiston Housing Authority – Hillview, Joseph R. Tulip
Explaining Social Protection in Sub-Saharan Africa: Political Settlements in Kenya and Uganda, Shanina van Gent
Investigating the Relationship between Osmotic Stress and mRNA Degradation Rates in Borrelia burgdorferi, the Causative Agent of Lyme Disease, Amelia R. Wilhelm
Striving for Just Sustainability in Transit Systems: A Case Study of Complete Streets Policies in Lewiston, Maine, avery wolfe
Synthesis of Mannose Building Blocks for Preparation of O-Mannosylated Glycans, Ke Zhao
Theses from 2017
fanditha and sihuru: Social and Political Import of Muslim-dhivehi Knowledge Forms, Fathimath Anan Ahmed
Theory of Mind Profile of School-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Melody R. Altschuler
Al Gore, the Perfect Punching Bag: An Analysis of the Effect of Political Cartoons on the Opinions and Perceptions of Al Gore and the Environmental Movement, Jonathan C. Anderson
Data driven approaches for investigating molecular heterogeneity of the brain, Alexander J. Andonian
Predicting Emotional Responses to Social Exclusion: Immune Neglect, Emotion Regulation, and the Moderating Role of Dysphoria, Katherine Jaye Berger
Polarization Dynamics induced by Optical Perturbations in Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers, Niccolo Bigagli
Revealing What Recidivism Hides: Punishment, Surveillance, and Bias in Evaluating Adult Drug Court in Maine, Claire Brown
The effect of fluorine on melt viscosity in the NaAlSiO4 - KAlSiO4 system, Madeline Stella Bruno and Genevieve Robert
Reflection and Response of the New Latin American Cinema Movement: Feminism in the Cinema of Lucrecia Martel, Cecelia Louise Carey-Snow
The Effect of Fluorine on the Viscosity of Jadeite-Leucite Melts, Olin Rico Carty and Geneviève Robert
Methane Emissions Above and Below a Ditch Plug, Sprague River Marsh, Phippsburg, ME, Kelsey Chenoweth
Conservation Impact Analysis; Advocating for Intersectional Approaches for Wildlife Conservation Efforts and Management Plans, Misha Geronimo-Carson Copeland
Women’s Labor Roles in the Mexican Lime Commodity Chain in La Luz, Oaxaca, Mexico: A Feminist Political Ecology Approach, Yarisamar Cortez
Following Intellectual Genealogies: The Construction of Mare Liberum and Mare Clausum, 1603-1652, Christopher Michael Crum
Parasitism in Storm Petrel MHC: Methodological Trials to Sequence Parasitic DNA Within Storm Petrel Blood Samples, Kathryn Louise Cuthbert Ms.
Viability of Concentrator Photovoltaics for Electricity Production in the United States, John Dina
Salinic to Neoacadian Deformation within the Migmatite Zone of the Central Maine Belt in Western Maine, Erik James Divan
Land Use History of the Lake Auburn Watershed, Auburn, Maine, Elise Samiha Emil
A Critical Analysis of the Asian Development Bank's Rural Electrification Programs in Nepal, Brent Feldman
A Survey of Wavelet Theory and Methods Suited for Times Series Analysis, Gregory Fitzgerald
Gibbon's Rome for Chamber Orchestra, Kevin H. Franco
Introversion-Extraversion and the Constitution of an Activist: Exploring Personality Value Patterns in Social Movement Engagement, Sofia L. Gnabasik
Lateralization of Dysregulated Gene Expression in Pitt-Hopkins Syndrome and Manipulating the Methylome to Enhance Memory, Alex R. Gogliettino
Spatially Resolving the Mass Surface Density Distribution in 12 Compact Galaxies with the Hubble Space Telescope, Sophia C.W. Gottlieb
Finding Closure: Trauma Narratives in Graphic Literatures, Katharina Harling
The Theoretical Implications of Planned Obsolescence: A Multi-dimensional Analysis, Allison N. Hill
Newly Discovered Albee Formation in the Northern Half of the Jefferson, NH 7.5’ Quadrangle: Detrital Zircons, Structure, and Tectonics, Ian W. Hillenbrand
Analysis of Sedimentation and Phosphorous Loading Within the Lake Auburn Watershed, Lake Auburn, Maine, William M. Hilton III
Mi Bolivia está Cambiando: the effect of decentralization on ethno-political mobilization in Bolivia, Tessa Holtzman
Nonlinear Dynamics of Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers subject to Optical Injection, Aashu Jha
The Effect of the Dispersion of Non-rewarding Flowers on Pollination by Bumblebees (Bombus impatiens): A Lab Study, Emma J. Katz
"Our Mothers' Gardens": Womanism, Other-mothering, and Homeplace in Oakland's Community Gardens, Dani Klein
Subclinical Depression, Anxiety, and Alexithymia: Implications for Implicit and Explicit Emotion Regulation, William N. Koller
Petrology of the hastingsite-riebeckite Granite of Mt. Cabot, NH, Colin Robert Kraft
An Investigation of the Hypoxic Internal Loading Mechanisms of Phosphorus in Lake Auburn, Halie Lange
Place-Based Education: An Overview and Lesson Plan for Whiting Farm, Emma Sage Marchetti
A Mid-Late Holocene Multi-Proxy Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of Northern Finnmark Using a Sediment Core from the Island of Ingøy, Norway, Claire Lockwood Markonic
Conceptions and Constructions of Rurality: A Case Study on Wind Power Development in Maine, Anna Lisa Marr
The Framing of Health: An Interpretive Analysis of the Strength of Community Framing in ‘Cancer Alley’, Jack Martell
How do you interpret Heartbreak?: A prototype theory based approach to understanding genre’s effect on musical persona, Madeline McLean
The Boat is My Family: Embodiment and Belonging in Shetland Fishing Communities, Katherine S. McNally
Urban Water Sustainability: A Comparative Historical and Modern Analysis of Granada, Spain, and Albuquerque, New Mexico, John W. McReynolds III
Not the Same River: A Marxist Environmental History of the Androscoggin River, Max WV Millslagle
The Developmental Trajectory of Oxytocin-Dependent Changes in Psychosocial Adjustment Across Adulthood, Kate A. Moody
Waste, Time and Film in Don DeLillo’s Underworld and David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest, Nathan T. Moreau
Not a Laughing Matter: John Oliver, Burkean Frames, and the Performance of Public Intellect, Gabriel Francis Nott
Virtuous Particularism: The Case for Contextual Value and Moral Sensitivity, Amar Ojha
The Freedom of Information Act Reimagined: Lawmaking, Transparency, and National Security In Twenty-First-Century America, Matthew F. Phillips
Late-Season High-Sedimentation Events in a Sediment Trap Record from Linnévatnet, Svalbard, Norway, Noel L. Potter
Spiritual-Environmental Responsibility: Emotional Connection to Nature as Seen in Avatar, Audrey H. Puleio
One Hand Clapping: Hearing Zen in «Recueil de pierre et de sable», Duncan Reehl
Examining the Interpersonal Deficits in Borderline Personality Style: Comparing Attachment and Biosocial Models, Azure Reid-Russell
The Social Benefits of Therapy Dogs in the Classroom for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Elyse Rubchinuk
The Market and Non-Market Values of Recreation in Maine Lakes: An Update, William D. Sadlo
Constructing Womanhood and the Female Cyborg: A Feminist Reading of Ex Machina and Westworld, Zoe E. Seaman-Grant
Notions of Sustainability: Tracing Framings of Sustainable Hydroelectricity in Bhutan to Reimagine a Contested Concept, Landon M. Smith
Assessing the effectiveness of using Typha as a proxy for estimating seasonal methane emissions on Maine’s southeastern salt marshes, Daniel Stames
Intersections of Mental Illness and Legislative Changes at Androscoggin County Jail, Katherine G. Stevenson
Making the Grasses Greener: A Look at the Historic and Present Use of Pesticides at Bates College, Lewiston, ME, Nora RC Stoner
Stable Isotopic Evidence for Nutrient Cycling at Two Zostera marina Meadows in Cape Cod, MA, Yacine Sylla
The First World: Environmental Degradation and Reproductive Injustice, Katherine Leigh Traquina
Use of Chromatin Immunoprecipitation and qPCR in 24 Hours-post-fertilization Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Embryos to Show Direct Regulation of nrf genes by Ahr1B, Alexandra Sharon Wyss Ulin
Vector Autoregressions with Machine Learning, Michael Allen Varner
Bedrock Geology, Stratigraphy and Geochronology in the Migmatite Terrain of the Southern Gilead 7.5’ Quadrangle, Western Maine, Audrey Wheatcroft
Paleoenviromental Reconstruction from the Sediment Record of the Varved Proglacial Linnévatnet, Svalbard, Norwegian High Arctic, Gwenyth Williams
From Camera Obscura to Digital: How did the Kodak Camera Alter How Humans Portray Their Relation to the Environment?, Jacob Yudkin
Theses from 2016
A Century of National Park Conflict: Class, Geography, and the Changing Values of Conservation Discourse in Maine, Adam R. Auerbach
An investigation of the toxicity of Lake Auburn's Gloeotrichia echinulata, Ruth E. Baker
"This Is The Story of a Man Named Stanley": Narratology, Authorship and Agency in The Stanley Parable, Rebeccah Rose Bassell
The Influence of U.S. Foreign Policy on Asylum and Refugee Admissions to the United States, Nicole Louise Bermudez
Deep Ecology, the Individual, and the Power of Societal Influence, Emma Gale Blakeley
Mixed k-means clustering in computer adaptive learning, Camden G. Bock and Bonnie Shulman PhD
Debunking De Facto: Insights on Fair Housing Law and Segregation in Lewiston, Maine, Olivia Grace Boueri
The Influence of pressure and temperature on the metal-silicate partitioning of V, Cr, and Mn: implications for the formation of the Earth’s core, Christopher William Bradbury
Monitoring the Effects of Marine Derived Nitrogen due to an Alewife Migration at Nequasset Lake, Woolwich, Me, Andre Brittis-Tannenbaum
Making Americans: Negotiating the Boundaries of Somali Identities in the Public Education System of Lewiston, Maine, Ashley Anne Bryant
Chaucer's Women and Women Chaucerians: Unveiling the Modern Academy as a Medieval Institution through Chaucer's Poetry, Cheyenne J. Cannarozzo
Structure and Geochronology of the Jurassic Pliny Range Caldera Complex: 7.5’ Jefferson Quadrangle, Northern New Hampshire, Jordan Leigh Cargill
The Political Limits of Deep Ecology: Rawls and Naess on Intrinsic Value and Reasonable Pluralism, Britta A. Clark