Theses from 2016
Poetics of the Heartland: The Lyric Voices of James Wright and Stanley Plumly, William R. Cleaves
Examining the Gap Between ProEnvironmental Beliefs and Behavior: A Study of Industrial Animal Agriculture, Emma Rose Conover
Recent Changes To The Dynamic Sandy Beach System At The Mouth Of The Kennebec River, Mid-Coast Maine, Nicole Marie Cueli
A Court Under Strain: The U.S. Supreme Court's Democratic Deficit, Brielle E. Dalvano
Art in the Anthropocene: Confronting Global Environmental Change Through Aesthetic Platforms, Catherine DiPietro
Safely Shooting a Quiet Woman: A Study of Patriarchy, Sexuality, Racism, and Putrefaction in John Webster’s Plays, Rebecca C. Dobbin
Applying the Neo-Functionalist Paradigm to Assess the Integrative Consequences of the European Court of Justice's Human Rights Jurisprudence, Elizabeth Sarah Dolgicer
Here, There, and Everywhere : Reimagining the Spatiality of Environmentalism Through an Analysis of the South Portland Tar Sands Controversy, Nina Peck Doonan
Water Markets and their Third-Party Effects, Phillip Dube
Process and Design for Environmental Children's Books, Julia D. Dunn
Red maple (Acer rubrum) and red oak (Quercus rubra) exhibit spatial and temporal variation in vulnerability to embolism, Julia Laird Fisher
Behind the Light Switch: Why we should care about Utilities and the Grid in Massachusetts, Thomas William Fitzgerald
Re-imagining the South African Nation: Case Studies of the 1995 Rugby World Cup and the 2010 FIFA World Cup, Josh Tancer Giesler
The Influence of Lineup Procedures on Eyewitness Decision Making, Julia B. Gordon
Investigating Greenwashing in the NHL, Caitrin M. Griffin
Methane emissions along a salinity gradient of a restored salt marsh in Casco Bay, Maine, Cailene M. Gunn
Going Back to the Land: An Analysis of the American Cultural Imaginary Pertaining to Farming, Rural Life, and Nature, Elizabeth Annie Horstmeyer
Effects of the Gorilla Tourism Industry on Peacebuilding in Rwanda: An Evaluation of Environmental, Social, and Economic Impacts through a Multifaceted Positive Peace Paradigm, Clara Powell Jessup
Student Laundry Methods at Bates College: Bacterial Growth Inhibition of Three Normal Microbiota Species, James K. Jhun
Determining a Procedure to Measure Dissolved Ammonia in Freshwater, Kristen Kelliher
On the Shores of Merrymeeting Bay, Grace Kenney
Measuring Trace Concentrations of Phosphorus in Lake Auburn, ME using UV-Visible Spectrophotometry and Chemiluminescence, Hannah Brody Kiesler
Applications of LiDAR in the study of landscape geomorphology, Sandwich Range, White Mountain National Forest, Sarah G. Koe
Portraits of Bhutanese Identity in America: Family, Belonging, and Hope in the Diaspora, Isabel Ann Koyama
Drops of One Ocean: Globalization, Identity Formation and Hegemony in the Baha'i Communities of Samoa, the Netherlands, Latvia, and Lithuania, Detmer Yens Kremer
La imagen de la mujer: Insatisfacción y trastornos alimentarios en Argentina, Elise I. Krims
Origami Constructions of Rings of Algebraic Integers, Juergen Desmond Kritschgau
Context Dependent Representations: Solving the Problem of Content, Jurgen Desmond Kritschgau
The Cape Wind Project: 15 Years Later, Dane Salvatore Lamendola II
Hydrothermal oxide and nontronite deposits at Seamount 3, Wolf-Darwin lineament, Galapagos Archipelago, Ecuador, Megan J. Lubetkin, Steven Carey, and Genevieve Robert
Mid-Holocene Marine Paleoclimate Reconstruction Through Schlerochronological Analysis of Arctica islandica from Finnmark, Rolvsøya, Northern Norway, Samuel Zimet Mark
Silver Spoon: A Study of Food and Place, Kei Angela Matsunami
High Resolution XRF Sediment Analysis of Late Season Precipitation Events in a High Arctic Glaciated Watershed: Svalbard, Norway, Christiane P. McCabe
Private Union, Public Conflict: Life and Labor at Michelin in the Twentieth Century, Madeleine Curtis McCabe
Organic Agriculture in the Northeast: Decentralized Food and Healthy Local Communities, George Merrill
Conceptualizing Community: Older People's Experiences in Independent Living Facilities, Laurel E. Meyer
Reading "A Politics of Location": An Ethical Mapping of Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony, Michela J. Moscufo
Judging Moral Evaluations: The Capabilities Approach to Female Genital Surgeries, Rachel Neckes
La Mujer en La Frontera: Gender and Assimilation in Pedro Juan Soto’s Spiks, Joseph Foster’s Stephana, and José Antonio Villarreal’s Pocho, Jacqueline L. Paredes
Progress towards Bose-Einstein condensation on an atom chip as a functional testbed for experiments aboard the orbital NASA Cold Atom Laboratory, Daniel Adkins Paseltiner
Stocks and Sources of Carbon Buried in the Salt Marshes and Seagrass Beds of Patos Lagoon, Southern Brazil, Elizabeth Weis Patterson
Les Femmes Guides de Montagne: Negotiating Gendered Spaces in Morocco, Carly Elizabeth Peruccio
Searching for Blood in the Streets: Mapping Political Violence onto Urban Topography in the Late Roman Republic, 80-50 BCE, Theodore Samuel Rube
Tracks Written in Sand: A Story of the Ancient Sea Turtle, Her Disease, and the Oceans Plagued by Us, Bianca B. Sanchez
A Late-Holocene Marine Climate Reconstruction Using the Bivalve Arctica islandica from Northern Norway, Julia Margaret Savage
Unprecedented Uncertainty, The Story of a Boy and Santa Barbara's Drought, Tyler Schleich
The Price of Stability: Consumption-Based Fixed Rate Billing for Water Utilities, Amy Thyng Schmidt
The Awkward, (Un)Desirable, and Enticing Politics of Sexuality and Reproductive Health in HBO's Girls, Rebecca Holly Schwartz
Reframing the Food System Through an Exploration of the Diverse Economies of Food in Lewiston, Maine, Nina D. Sevilla
"That's the Way We Flow": Hip Hop as Oral Literature, Patrick M. Smith
The Effect of Na:K Ratio on Melt Viscosity within the SiO2-NaAlSiO4-KAlSiO4 System, Rebecca Anne Smith
Social Capital in Post-Katrina New Orleans: The Revitalizing Communities of the Lower Ninth Ward, Suzannah O'Hara Smith
Effect of Endogenous Oxytocin on Psychosocial Adjustment as Moderated by Emotional Receptivity, Adriane Raftery Spiro
Climate Change In The Canadian Arctic, Sarah S. Stanley
Defining the Conservative Woman: Margaret Thatcher, Politics, and Gender, Taylor West Stone
Fragmented Citizenship in a Fragmented State: Ideas, Institutions, and the Failure of Reconstruction, Allen C. Sumrall
Abundance of toxic Gloeotrichia echinulata with respect to other limnoplankton in Lake Auburn, Ana Urbina
Empathy, Medicine, and the Novel, Anna Sophia Williams
Buddha Popcorn: The Dark Underbelly Of Gross National Happiness in Bhutan, Sacha Joseph Zabotin
Lire Tintin : un héros en contexte, Hannah Margaret Zeltner
Theses from 2015
You Are Where You Eat: A Gendered Analysis of Dining Commons at Bates College, Alexandra Adolph
Phylogenetic Analysis fails to sort MHC Class II B Exon 2 Alleles by Locus in the Great Frigatebird (Fregata minor), Yaa Asantewaa Agyare
"The Interrupted Idyll: The Changing Identities of Farming Through the Lens of Art and Literature, Hanna M. Allerton
Contesting the Dominance of Neoliberalism: The Ideograph as a Force for Social Change, Jordan Tyler Becker
Hypocrisy Induction to Increase College Students’ Condom Use: A Dissonance-Based Safe Sex Intervention, Stephanie B. Benson
Biopiracy and the Ethics Surrounding Global Application of Western Intellectual Property Law, Jesse Bercaw
Mobilization of Metals by Fungi in Historic Cemeteries, Eleanor D. Briggs
Place-Based Education: An In-Depth Analysis of PBE in Lewiston Middle School, Nicole C. Brill
Developing a Protocol to Measure Trace Concentrations of Phosphorus in Oligo-mesotrophic Lake Surface Waters using UV-Vis Spectrophotometry and Colorimetry, Gwyn Ivy Browning
The Future of Open Space: A Comparison of Conservation Techniques in the United States, Caroline Grace Caldwell
A Paleolimnological Study Reconstructing Organic Carbon Accumulation and Climate History; Mealy Mountains, Labrador, Canada, Timothy D. Campbell
Wonder Woman Revealed: William Moulton Marston, World War II and the Rise of a Superheroine (1941-1959), Rebecca Katherine Carifio
Towards Two-Eyed Seeing: Mi’kmaq Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Climate Change, Teika Marie Carlson
A More Durable Peace: The Nexus Between Local Influence and Power-Sharing Governance, Benjamin Skorpen Claeson
Constitutional Assembly Breakdown: A Study of Why Nepal’s Constitution Writing Procces Failed, Evan Cooper
"She among them but never of them": Race and Sexuality through Tomboy Transformation Narratives of the Postwar Era, Michael John Creedon
The Conservation Controversy, Rebecca Mai Culp
No Man is an Island: The Penobscot Nation v. The State of Maine, Nicole Michelle Danser
Deformation Post-Doming: New mapping of the Oliverian Jefferson Dome, Mt. Dartmouth 7.5' Quadrangle, New Hampshire, Michelle Devoe
Maine: Farm-to-Fork, Jeynaba Leigh Diallo
Analysis and Comparison of Physical Properties and Morphology of Impact Melt Flows on Venus and the Moon to Determine Atmospheric Controls, Christine Elizabeth Dong
Creating a Moral Empowerment Program in Lewiston, ME, Brett Tomas Emmons
Reconstruction of the Post-Glacial Formation of the Peddocks Island Salt Marsh, Hull, MA, Sean W. Enos
An Intellectual History of Eugenics Ideals within the Garden City Movement, Aine Rois Marion Fitzgerald Coleman
Biodiesel at Bates? A Feasibility Study for the Implementation of Biodiesel in Bates College Fleet Vehicles, Nicholas JH Ford
Individual and Synergistic Effects of Oxytocin and Dopamine on Fluid Intelligence, Ramya Ghantasala
Natural Rhythms and Cosmic Connections: An Examination of Biodynamic Farms that Cultivate Social Change, Hallie Grossman
The diversity of AlkBs: a structural and mechanistic comparison of three little-known alkane monooxygenase enzymes, Grace Elizabeth Hamilton
Sustainable Urban Development in the Model of Freiburg, Germany, Horace Fuller Henriques IV
Sinhala Buddhist Nationalism and Islamophobia in Contemporary Sri Lanka, Robin Noel Badone Jones
Numbers and Shapes: Is Math Learning Enhanced by a Fantastical Context?, Natasha Renee Kalra
Developing Leadership Skills in Adolescent Girls, Caroline Anne Kern
Submissively Subversive: Mo Yan's Red Sorghum Clan and its Film Adaptation by Zhang Yimou, David FC Kohler
Managing The Breach at Old Inlet, Fire Island: An Eco-Political Discourse, David Spencer Kurey
Peer and Self-Perceptions of Learning Differences, Megan Mariko Lapp
The Origins of American Unitarianism Reconsidered: Theophilus Lindsey, James Freeman, and the English Episcopal Reform Origins of American Unitarianism, Samuel Williams Learner