Theses from 2020
Conceptualizing the Variables That Shape the International Student Experience in Higher Education, Francesca Biondi Morra
Light Pollution and Urban Children’s Geographies: The Effects of Skyglow as an Extension of Adult Ordering on Urban Nightscapes, Tess A. Black
Green is Good for You: A Curriculum that Encourages Environmental Global Citizenship, Anne K. Blakslee
Representations of Black Queer Masculinity in Contemporary Popular Music: A Close Analysis of Tyler, The Creator and Frank Ocean, Josephine Blanchon
The Wild Mustang Crisis: Confronting the Overpopulation of Wild Horses in the United States, Alison Evans Bodner
Should Beauty be Pain? An Exploration of the Usage of Parabens within Personal Care Products and Cosmetics, Michaela E.` Bowen
A Taste of Life, Christian A. Bradna Diaz
Lake Auburn: A case study in metabolic rates fromo 2013 to 2016, Christopher Castaneda and Topher Castaneda
The Role Of ABC Transporters ABCC4 and ABCE1 in Establishing Ephydatia muelleri/Chlorella Symbioses, Lillian Chang
U.S. SOLAR MARKET CATALYSTS: Analyzing the Effects of Financial Incentives on Solar Market Deployment Across the United States, Julian G. Cook
Exploring the Possibility of Liquid Immiscibility in the Ste. Dorothée Sill near Montréal, Québec, Michael Cooper
'Always on Kitchen Duty' A collection of stories from outdoors(wo)men, Alexandra Cullen
2D and 3D Magneto-Optical Trapping of ⁸⁷Rb in an Atom Chip Bose-Einstein Condensation Apparatus, Michał Ćwik
Climbing the Glass Mountain: Perspectives on Gender Equity in Alpine Guiding, Sarah L. Delany
The EngAging Project, from Temuco, Chile to Maine: Stories of Aging in Place Chart Loneliness' Roots and Antidotes in Community, Grace Gallagher Ellrodt
The Effects of Fluorine on the Viscosity of Melts in the (Na, K) ALSiO4-SiO2 System, Emily Erard-Stone
Armed Struggle, Global Stage: Irish-American Politics & The Troubles in the 1980s, James Claiborne Fagan
Chinese Authoritarianism and the Systematic Suppression of the Uighur Ethnic Minority, Grace Fitzgerald
"The Divergent Paths of Jihad: Comparing Violence Against Civilians Perpetrated by IS and JN in the Syrian Civil War", Abigail Katherine Frost
Examining the Role of Brownfield Redevelopment in Completing the Objectives of the New York State Green New Deal, Adam Gordon Gardner
“Your Favorite Rapper’s a Christian Rapper”: Chance the Rapper’s Creation of a New Community of Christian Hip Hop Through His Use of Religious Discourse on the 2016 Mixtape Coloring Book, Samuel Patrick Glenn
The Attitudes We Live By: The Impact of Symbols of Authority and the Questionable Nature of their Rejection, William Moses Green
Ugly Tourists: How Jamaica Kincaid’s Antigua and Ecopornography Reveal Mindless Behavior, Ava V. Gulino
The Origins and Dynamics of Phosphorus in Maine’s Lake Auburn Watershed, Lars Gundersen
Impact of Lead Mining on Sediments in a Proximal Pond to the Mascot Mine in Gorham, New Hampshire, Forrest Hamilton
An Examination of the use of Revenue Within the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative: A Modern Model of Carbon Pricing in the United States, Anna Katherine Helms
The Development of Meaning and Purpose in Life Among Adolescents in Germany and Maine, Janika Ho
Late Glacial to Holocene Sea Level History of Kapp Linné, Svalbard, Norwegian High Arctic, Hannah Brierly Johnson
Characterizing the Gulf of Maine Rocky Intertidal: NeCSA Protocol to Monitor Environmental Change, Olivia LaMarche
"One" and "I": Dimensions of Ritual Unity and Individuality in the Liturgical Practice of the Catholic Nicene Creed, Jack M. McLarnon
Synthesis and Structural Analysis of Mn and Ni-Based Materials for Cathode Applications, Robyn Moss
Visualizing Slow Violence: A Case Study of Post-Hurricane Maria Photography in Puerto Rico, Erin R. O'Farrell
A Historical Account of Atmospheric Lead Deposition in Basin Pond, Fayette, Maine, Samuel Kent Onion
Decolonization, Resurgence, and Climate Adaptation: Confronting Settler Colonialism in the Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw Tribe’s Climate-Induced Resettlement, Margaret O'Shea
Understanding the Alerting-Congruency Interaction in the Attention Network Test (ANT), Lily Ashare Patterson
Shrouded Voices: The Social Networks of Afro-Mexican Women in Seventeenth Century Mexico City and Veracruz, Ursula Yoshiko Rall
Tet2 and H2A.Z Negatively Regulate Memory Formation in the Hippocampus, Anas Reda
"Scorching Sun, Blazing Star": A Study and Practice of Chinese Science Fiction Translation, Nolwenn Robison
Assessing Task-dependent Flexibility and the Temporal Dynamics of Object Categorization, Alyssa Magill Rohan
“At the heart of legend”: Feminist Revisionist Mythology in Twentieth-Century Poetry, Madison Rozells
This Land is My Land: racism and antiracism in farmland succession in Auburn, Maine, Jesse Bull Saffeir
An Exploration of Impactful Factors of Farm-to-School in the Context of Maine Regional Unit 21, Olivia R. Sandford
Estimating the Displacement on the Norumbega Fault System Using Quartz Microstructures, Christopher T. Sargent
Community Engagement in the Development of America’s First Offshore Wind Farm, Larsen G. Schuster
The Importance of What is Not Said: A Critique of Carbon Neutral Discourse, Annie Winslow Sedoric
The Construction of Exceptionalist Nationalism: A Critique of Danish Imperialist Shame and Ongoing Colonialism in Kalaallit Nunaat, Sofie Lee Sogaard
Changing Steppes to Desert: Early Effects of Russian Influence in the Aral Sea Basin, Tanner Stallbaumer
Cosmopolitan Americanisms: Post-9/11 Transnational Immigrant Narratives, Bence Xavier Szechenyi
Caribbean Cuisine swimming into the Gulf of Maine, Anne McGough Trapp
Pollinator Impact: Honey Bee Decline Through the Stories of Mainers, Eric D. Viera
Lichen Abundance and Distribution at Bates Morse Mountain Conservation Area, Danielle A. Ward
Transportation Access and Equity in Lewiston-Auburn: A Study of Identified Community Needs and Structural Barriers to Transportation Improvement, Grace Yien Warder
Hydroclimate Reconstruction in the Changing High Arctic Maritime Environment, Linnédalen, Svalbard, Emma Lea Wheeler
Silencing, Discrediting, Dismissing: Testimonial Injustice as a Violation of Universal Moral Obligations, Ernestine B. Whitaker
Synthetic Studies of Linderofruticoside A, Mitchell A. Willsey
The Real Cost of Lobstering in Coastal Maine: North Atlantic Right Whale Conservation and its Effect on the Maine Lobster Industry, Kaelyn F. Woods
Three Generations and the Enjoy-ment of Irregular Employment Within Japan, Elizabeth A. Yguico
Theses from 2019
Living on the Edge: India in the Greek Mind before Alexander the Great, Zofia Ahmad
The Road to Riches: Quantifying the Persistent Effects of the Silk Roads Network, Zofia Ahmad
Congress and the Environment: Exploring Political Strategies for Environmental Progress, William Wakeman Anderson
The Power to Change Hearts and Minds: How the Open World Swordplay Martial Arts Videogame Can Increase Chinese Soft Power in America, Chelsea Anglin
Moving from Rescue to Healing: Pit Bulls as Icons of White Salvation, Emily Louise Ausman
The Value in Vanité: The Benefits of Pleasure Reading and Viewing in Le Morte d’Arthur and Star Wars Rebels, Hannah Austin
Devolution of Control: Role of Beach Management Units in Decentralizing Natural Resource Governance in Coastal Tanzanian Fisheries, Marissa Emily Bale
The Ethos of Agency: Exploring Questions of Communication and Categorization in Greece’s Refugee Crisis, Caroline R. Barnes
Spirit Possession, Mediation, and Ambiguity in the Ancient Greek Worship of Dionysos, Isabella Barrengos
Hurricane Katrina: A Case Study of Flooding, Failure, and the Racial State, Anika Z. Becker
Honeybees and Human Culture, Kyra A. Bleicher
Reading the Landscape of Bates, Ella Bourland
The Matrilineal Specter in Kingston's Woman Warrior and Keller's Comfort Woman, Theodore V. Burns
Assessing the Relevant Barriers to Climate Justice in Bolivia: An Analysis of Bolivian Climate Politics, Josh Caldwell
La búsqueda de una nueva identidad española en las películas de Pedro Almodóvar de los 80, Andrew Chen
同志: Film Representations of the Modern Chinese Gay Man, Marquise Clarke
How Climate Change and Oil Development in the Yamal Peninsula is Affecting the Lives of the Siberian Nenets, Rory O. Collins
Heat and Light in the City of the Future: A Feasibility Study of Renewable Energy in Lewiston, Maine, Haley Crim
Sentimental Arcs From Grief to Mourning in An Unnecessary Woman and Koolaids: The Art of War by Rabih Alameddine, Carl D. Deakins Mx
Irish Identity, American Identity, and the Irish American Anti-Partition Movement, Margaret Mary Dever
National Flood Insurance Program Reform: Establishing an Affordability Pilot Program in North Carolina, Ayden Eickhoff
Development of novel tissue-type plasminogen activator-binding RNA aptamer, Nathan Paul Frederick
Stealing Borders: The Yiddish Book Center and Expansions of Postvernacular Yiddishland, Sarah Elsa Freyd
Juliana and the Convention on the Rights of the Child: Can International Children’s Rights Influence Domestic Climate Change Litigation?, Nicole Brooke Friedman
Truth-Telling and Transitional Justice in Chile: Healing for Women Survivors of Trauma Through Testimonial Art Collectives, Olivia Snow Fried
Welcoming New Mainers: Local Economic Development and its Effects on the Politics of Immigration, Trevor H. Fry
Understanding Differences Between the Three Sister Polyculture and Monoculture Growing of Corn, Beans and Squash, Josephine Gillett
Electricity Rate Impacts of Renewable Portfolio Standards: An Updated Empirical Analysis, Griffin Golden
Characterization of Trap Frequencies for Cold Atom Laboratory Bose-Einstein Condensates, Maxwell Jeremy Gold
Assessing the effectiveness of a salt marsh restoration project in Georgetown, Maine, Carter Goodell
MEHP-induces hepatic steatosis in Danio rerio juveniles following embryonic exposure and Nrf2a may play a role in hepatoprotection, Moreau Hadley
Temporal Negative Priming: Visual and Auditory, Alexa C. M. Harrison
A Struggle for Dignity on the Land: Living Histories of Southern Agricultural Exploitation and Farmworker Resistance in North Carolina, Erin Rosalind Hazlett-Norman
Dynamics of Quantum Dot Lasers Subject to Optical Feedback and Current Modulation, Tianyao Huang
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: Performance, Identity, and the 1887 London Residency of Buffalo Bill Cody's Wild West in Context, Cameron Connor Huftalen
Passively Black, Actively Unprofessional: Beyond a Fault-Based Conception of Black Women’s Identity and Hairstyling in Title VII Jurisprudence, Kayla K. Jackson
Maine Lobster: An Uncertain Future, Calvin G.K. Johnstone
The Fall of a King: The collapse of Sacramento River Chinook Salmon and its impact on community identity on California's North Coast [bibliography], Katherine Phyllis Kelley
A City and Its Land, Hugh Hogan Kenny
Resisting Abjection: The Opioid Crisis and its Incorporation into the Environmental Justice Movement, Josh Klein