Content Posted in 2025
Abbott, Lucille Hicks oral history interview, Scott Reich
Academic Libraries and Open Educational Resources: Addressing Student Textbook Affordability, Krystie Wilfong, Natalie Hill, David Smith, Kate Wing, Ann Spinney, and Casey J. Koons
Albert, Colette oral history interview, Teddy Murray and Jess Kremen-Kotlen
Audet, Fernande oral history interview, Cody Weber
Beavers: Nature’s Architects Rebuilding Our Ecosystems, Marat Washburn
Belanger, Germaine oral history interview, Teddy Murray and Jess Kremen-Kotlen
Casey, Louise oral history interview, Brian Anton and Susan Abbott
Chaput, Helen oral history interview, Rebecca Skarbek
Churchill, Shirley oral history interview, Adam Cohen and Peter Coleman
Clements, Isable oral history interview, Adam Cohen and Peter Coleman
Cloutier, Francoise oral history interview, Liz Ellsworth and Sam Whitin
Cooper, Ellen oral history interview, Ellen Humphrey
"Culturally Significant Food & Food Sovereignty in Maine: A Culinary Exploration", Naomi Grace Lynch
Cunion, Edward and Rosemary oral history interview, Cody Weber
Diary -- transcript, Oren B. Cheney
Drigotas, Frank oral history interview, Aaron Esker
Dube, Edgar oral history interview, Brian Kend
Dube, O'Nues oral history interview, Cody Weber
Exploring the Effects of Cyanobacteria Algae Blooms on Ecosystems and Humans with a Focus on North Pond, Maine, Miles Parrish Hagedorn
Framing Value: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Economic Valuation of Non-Use Value and Pro-Environmental Behavior, Drew Williams
Griffin, June Lovelace oral history interview, Cody Weber
Guy, Jeanne oral history interview, Megan Casey
Hamel, Robert oral history interview, Ellen Humphrey
Hurley, Charles oral history interview, Brian Kend
Individual-level Data to Accompany “Respiratory Plasticity Induced by Chronic Hyperoxia in Juvenile and Adult Rats”, Ryan Bavis, Matthew D. Danielson, Gemma Dufour, Julia Hanus, Ashley E. Pratt, and Kristina E. Tobin
Kirk, Geneva oral history interview, Brian Kend
Lajoie, Gerard oral history interview, Scott Reich
Letourneau, Germaine oral history interview, Rebecca Skarbek
Lindholm, Jane Ault oral history interview, Anne D. Williams
Loring, Isabella oral history interview, Jess Kremen-Kotlen and Teddy Murray
Milasauskis, Albert oral history interview, Steve Kirsche
Morin, Omer oral history interview, Anne D. Williams
Mynahan, Connelly, Fournier, Friedman oral history interview, Ellen Humphrey and Cody Weber
O'Connell William oral history interview, Liz Ellsworth and Sam Whitin
Orestis, George oral history interview, Peter Coleman and Adam Cohen
Palman, Anne, and Mary Stokowski oral history interview, Scott Reich
Parker, Merton oral history interview, Anne D. Williams
Patrick, Geneva oral history interview, Rachel Simons
PR0001b - Muskie Speech at Democratic Worker's Dinner, Edmund Muskie
PR0001c - Muskie Speech at Democratic Worker's Dinner, Edmund Muskie
PR0001 - Muskie Speech at Democratic Worker's Dinner, Edmund Muskie
PR0002a - Sample radio election spots, Edmund Muskie
PR0002b - Sample radio election spots, Edmund Muskie
PR0004a - The Leading Question, April 1960, CBS
PR0004b - The Leading Question, April 1960, CBS
PR0006a - The Leading Question, Sept. 1963, CBS
PR0006b - The Leading Question, Sept. 1963, CBS
PR0007a - The Leading Question, May 1964, CBS
PR0007 - The Leading Question, May 1964, pt. 2, CBS
PR0008b - Capitol Cloakroom, Jan. 1966, pt. 2, CBS
PR0008 - Capitol Cloakroom, Jan. 1966, pt. 1, CBS
PR0010a - Meet the Press, Aug. 1968, pt. 1, NBC-TV
PR0010b - Meet the Press, Aug. 1968, pt. 2, NBC-TV
PR0011b - Confrontation! Hawks vs. Doves, pt. 2, Jubilee Records
PR0011c - Confrontation! Hawks vs. Doves, pt. 3, Jubilee Records
PR0011 - Confrontation! Hawks vs. Doves, pt. 1, Jubilee Records
PR0011d - Confrontation! Hawks vs. Doves, pt. 4, Jubilee Records
PR0012a - Meet the Press, Sept. 1968, pt. 1, NBC-TV
PR0012b - Meet the Press, Sept. 1968, pt. 2, NBC-TV
PR0014a - Meet the Press, Aug. 1969, pt. 1, NBC-TV
PR0014b - Meet the Press, Aug. 1969, pt. 2, NBC-TV
PR0016a - Senator Muskie Informal Talk, pt. 1, Edmund Muskie
PR0016b - Senator Muskie Informal Talk, pt. 2, Edmund Muskie
PR0017a - Memorial Service for Whitney Young, pt. 1, Edmund Muskie
PR0017b - Memorial Service for Whitney Young, pt. 2, Edmund Muskie
PR0017c - Memorial Service for Whitney Young, pt. 3, Edmund Muskie
PR0017d - Memorial Service for Whitney Young, pt. 4, Edmund Muskie
PR0018a - "Big Man from Maine" Song, Russell Pennell
PR0018b - "Toast to Ed. Muskie" Song, Russell Pennell
Queerness and Food Sovereignty: Identity as Driving Factor for Community Based Food Justice Work, Eliza Dewey
Rivard, Martha oral history interview, Steve Kirsche
Schutt, Erna oral history interview, Brian Anton and Susan Abbott
Simones, George oral history interview, Ellen Humphrey
Simpson, Irene oral history interview, Cody Weber
Smith, Pauline oral history interview, Ellen Humphrey
Sovetsky, Helen oral history interview, Brian Anton and Susan Abbott
SR151 - Meet the Press, Feb. 1970, NBC-TV
The Landscape of Maine’s Urban Environmental Programming, Daisy Gallagher
Therapeutic Play: Adult Puzzling and Hard Times, Anne D. Williams
Therrien, Ida oral history interview, Megan Casey
Travaglini, Glorianne oral history interview, Cody Weber
Turgeon, Anita oral history interview, Ellen Humphrey
Vasel, George oral history interview, Scott Reich
Wade, Robert oral history interview, Scott Reich
Webber, Erwin and Florence oral history interview, Scott Reich
Whittingham, Mildred and Leo oral history interview, Rachel Simons
Windle, Gordon oral history interview, Ellen Humphrey