Theses/Dissertations from 2022
The Effects of Invasive Rainbow Smelt on Native Fishes in Two Wisconsin Lakes, Ian Fagan
The Realistic and Fantasy Paradigms of Ski and Surf Film: An Analysis of Localism and Wilderness Narrative, Maximilian G. Freund
Meatpacking, Unpacked, Wilder Geier
Gardening Our Way to a Better Lewiston Middle School, Dianna Maria Georges
Fields of Abuse, Ronan Rhea Goulden
The Giant Panda: Two Sides to the Face of Conservation, Jesse Hagy
Social Taboo And New Worlds: Resilience of Identity Facing Ecological and Cultural Crisis, Andreas T. Hansen
Growing Gardens in US Prisons: The Benefits and Limitations of Prison Horticulture Programs, Carly Harris
Mobility Justice as a Discursive Omission: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Environmental Organizations and the Electric Vehicle Transition, Julia Henderson
Marine Climate Reconstruction from the Early Holocene Arctica islandica from Erdmannflya Peninsula, Svalbard, Dewi Henry
Math for Liberation: Designing a Math of Voting Systems Unit for Lewiston Middle School, Tess L. Hick
Beyond Partisanship: The Role of Social Movements in Addressing the Climate Crisis, Abby L. Holden
The Colonization of Mountains: Comparing Settler and Indigenous Narratives of Katahdin, Daphne James
The Effects of Aquaculture in Maine’s Coastal Communities: Indicators that Contribute to the Triple Bottom Line, Jake Bradley Jenkins
Assessing the Impacts of a Ditch Plug on Groundwater Hydrology, Sedimentation, and Carbon Dynamics in a Salt Marsh, Phippsburg ME, Henry Stephen King
Who's in your water? an investigation into the impacts of land use and chemical water properties on the microbial inhabitants of the Basin, Chloe India Lo Faro
Wait...What! with Kate Loughlin, Kate Loughlin
Nitrogen isotopes in Zostera marina: tracking anthropogenic nitrogen in Casco Bay, Maine., Ojochenemi T. Maji
Climate Displacement: What does a Climate Refugee look like?, Conor M. McCoy
Holocene marine climate reconstruction through δ18O isotopes of the bivalve Serripes groenlandicus, Maya P. McDonough
Sediment Variation and Occurrence of Milky Ribbon Worm (Cerebratulus lacteus) in the Gulf of Maine, Isabel Mohammadi-Hall
Mainstream: How to Make Almost Everyone Care About Climate Change, Jared S. Pantalony
Over A Decade of Striped Bass, Nicholas H. Prawer
Exploring the RAD Framework: Management Methods that Guides the Conservation of National Parks, Henry W. Raff
Geochemistry of Three Distinct Lewiston Quadrangle Pegmatites, ZaneAldeen Rahabi
Assessing Seed Mix Conservation Strategies for Pollinators in New England, Jake Ressel
Climate Change Equity Atlas of South Portland, Maine, Hart Rorick
A Structural Analysis of the Plumbago Mountain Fault, Pluton, and Associated Pegmatites, Evan Joseph Saltman
A Review and Comparison of Mental Health Perspectives in the United States and China, Christopher P. Seifert
Electric Cars: How Green Are They Really?, Griffin D. Smith
The Future of American Offshore Wind Energy: An Environmental and Economic Analysis, Oliver Wai Kui Wan
Representing Place: Exploring Artistic Representations of the Fuchun River Throughout Chinese History, Saskia Wong-Smith
Alternative Land Access Across Maine, Hermione Zhou
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Gardening as a Response to Disaster, Mary Margaret Adams
Exploring the Potential of Biochar Production in Maine: Sequestration and Economic Viability, John K. Attenborough
Franklin Park: Imagining an Antiracist Design, Adam B. Banks
Comprehensive Planning and Food Justice in Auburn, Maine, Eliza Blood
The Long-Term Impacts of the School of Environmental Studies, Erin E. Bucki
Neon Genesis Evangelion and Struggles in Growing Up, Grenfell Noah Cowper
Post cleanup composition and geochemical analysis of historic gold processing residues, Owen Daniell
Impacts of Sea-Level Rise, Accretion, and Subsidence on Recent Changes in Elevation of the Sprague Marsh in Phippsburg, Maine., Summer Caroline Dias
Choosing Between Hope and Fear: A Collective Reflection on Coming of Age During the Climate Crisis, Lily I. Edelman-Gold
The Natural History of the Milky Ribbon Worm: As Told by Maine Clam Diggers, Oaklea Bullock Elfström
Quantifying Changes in Snow Melt Conditions and Water Equivalent as Result of Arctic Warming in Linnédalen, Svalbard, Olympia CH Fisher
The Protection of Black Mesa Within the Web of Life, Dominique M. Frideger
The Role of Law in Finding Environmental Justice: How the legal system can be used by America's most disinfranchised, ryan giunta
The Impacts of Mountain Biking on the Underlying Soils at a North East Trail System, Matthew S. Hanus
ESG Investing, Nelly C. Junesand
The effect of tidal flow restriction on carbon density in Sprague and Small Point marsh, Phippsburg, Maine., Brianna Karboski
General Motors' Transition to Electric Vehicles, Casey J. Kelley
Exploring Community Land Trusts as an Alternative to Mainstream Models of Affordable Housing and Envisioning a CLT in Lewiston, Maine, Sophie E. Landes
Aquatic Habitat In the Ogunquit River, Jacob Lawlor
Lake Metabolism in Lake Auburn: An Analysis of 2018 and 2019 events, Sarah C. MacCormick
The Production of Space within the Rural Idyll: A Case Study on Airbnb in the State of Maine, Meredith Melendy
Effects of Climate Variability on Yelloweye Rockfish (Sebastes ruberrimus) Bioenergetics in the California Current Ecosystem, Sophia Miller
Development Pathways in Aquaculture: Factors that Influence Consolidation of Ownership and Inhibit Success of Small-Scale Producers, Natalie R. Moon
Thinking with Mangroves: A Biocentric Approach to Conservation and Carbon Sequestration, Brady Mark Orozco-Herman
Data Analysis and Spatial Mapping of Dissolved Oxygen in the Surface Waters of the Androscoggin River from 1930-2019, Vanessa Lee Paolella
The Effects of Damming on River Herring Spawning Habitat in the Kennebec, Penobscot and St. Croix Watersheds of Maine, Tucker Kingsbury Pierce Mr
Flow Banding Formation in Spherulitic Felsic to Intermediate Composition Dikes at Mt. Jasper, Berlin, New, Evelyn Randazzo
Monitoring Beach Retreat and Sediment Shift at Seawall Beach, Phippsburg, ME, Jacob Purdy Russett
Rural Gentrification in the Methow Valley, Maya C. Seckinger
The Nature of the Bronson Hill Anticlinorium - Central Maine Terrane Contact in the North Berlin 7.5’ Quadrangle, New Hampshire, Thomas F. Sheils
Seas Are Rising: Assessing Coastal Vulnerabilities in Phippsburg, Maine, Dylan Simon
A Comparison of Sediments from Above and Below a Tidal Restriction in the Back River Creek Marsh, Woolwich, ME, Carolyn Ruth Snow
Hemp: from seed to garment, Talia Boutwell Sperduto
Nest Sanitation as the Possible Evolutionary Basis for Parasitic Egg Rejection in the American Herring Gull (Larus smithsonianus), James B. Stratton
Non-Native Allyship in Indigenous Environmental Justice, Joanna Vollrath
How Humans Made the Wilderness and Our Role in Protecting It: Invasive Milfoil and Wilderness Ideologies in Little Sebago Lake, Kassandra Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Light Pollution and Urban Children’s Geographies: The Effects of Skyglow as an Extension of Adult Ordering on Urban Nightscapes, Tess A. Black
Green is Good for You: A Curriculum that Encourages Environmental Global Citizenship, Anne K. Blakslee
The Wild Mustang Crisis: Confronting the Overpopulation of Wild Horses in the United States, Alison Evans Bodner
Should Beauty be Pain? An Exploration of the Usage of Parabens within Personal Care Products and Cosmetics, Michaela E.` Bowen
Lake Auburn: A case study in metabolic rates fromo 2013 to 2016, Christopher Castaneda and Topher Castaneda
U.S. SOLAR MARKET CATALYSTS: Analyzing the Effects of Financial Incentives on Solar Market Deployment Across the United States, Julian G. Cook
Exploring the Possibility of Liquid Immiscibility in the Ste. Dorothée Sill near Montréal, Québec, Michael Cooper
'Always on Kitchen Duty' A collection of stories from outdoors(wo)men, Alexandra Cullen
Climbing the Glass Mountain: Perspectives on Gender Equity in Alpine Guiding, Sarah L. Delany
The EngAging Project, from Temuco, Chile to Maine: Stories of Aging in Place Chart Loneliness' Roots and Antidotes in Community, Grace Gallagher Ellrodt
The Effects of Fluorine on the Viscosity of Melts in the (Na, K) ALSiO4-SiO2 System, Emily Erard-Stone
Chinese Authoritarianism and the Systematic Suppression of the Uighur Ethnic Minority, Grace Fitzgerald
Examining the Role of Brownfield Redevelopment in Completing the Objectives of the New York State Green New Deal, Adam Gordon Gardner
Ugly Tourists: How Jamaica Kincaid’s Antigua and Ecopornography Reveal Mindless Behavior, Ava V. Gulino
Impact of Lead Mining on Sediments in a Proximal Pond to the Mascot Mine in Gorham, New Hampshire, Forrest Hamilton
An Examination of the use of Revenue Within the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative: A Modern Model of Carbon Pricing in the United States, Anna Katherine Helms
Characterizing the Gulf of Maine Rocky Intertidal: NeCSA Protocol to Monitor Environmental Change, Olivia LaMarche
Visualizing Slow Violence: A Case Study of Post-Hurricane Maria Photography in Puerto Rico, Erin R. O'Farrell
A Historical Account of Atmospheric Lead Deposition in Basin Pond, Fayette, Maine, Samuel Kent Onion
"Scorching Sun, Blazing Star": A Study and Practice of Chinese Science Fiction Translation, Nolwenn Robison
An Exploration of Impactful Factors of Farm-to-School in the Context of Maine Regional Unit 21, Olivia R. Sandford
Estimating the Displacement on the Norumbega Fault System Using Quartz Microstructures, Christopher T. Sargent
Community Engagement in the Development of America’s First Offshore Wind Farm, Larsen G. Schuster
The Importance of What is Not Said: A Critique of Carbon Neutral Discourse, Annie Winslow Sedoric
Changing Steppes to Desert: Early Effects of Russian Influence in the Aral Sea Basin, Tanner Stallbaumer
Caribbean Cuisine swimming into the Gulf of Maine, Anne McGough Trapp
Pollinator Impact: Honey Bee Decline Through the Stories of Mainers, Eric D. Viera
Lichen Abundance and Distribution at Bates Morse Mountain Conservation Area, Danielle A. Ward
Transportation Access and Equity in Lewiston-Auburn: A Study of Identified Community Needs and Structural Barriers to Transportation Improvement, Grace Yien Warder