Theses/Dissertations from 2020
The Real Cost of Lobstering in Coastal Maine: North Atlantic Right Whale Conservation and its Effect on the Maine Lobster Industry, Kaelyn F. Woods
Three Generations and the Enjoy-ment of Irregular Employment Within Japan, Elizabeth A. Yguico
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Congress and the Environment: Exploring Political Strategies for Environmental Progress, William Wakeman Anderson
The Power to Change Hearts and Minds: How the Open World Swordplay Martial Arts Videogame Can Increase Chinese Soft Power in America, Chelsea Anglin
Moving from Rescue to Healing: Pit Bulls as Icons of White Salvation, Emily Louise Ausman
The Value in Vanité: The Benefits of Pleasure Reading and Viewing in Le Morte d’Arthur and Star Wars Rebels, Hannah Austin
Devolution of Control: Role of Beach Management Units in Decentralizing Natural Resource Governance in Coastal Tanzanian Fisheries, Marissa Emily Bale
Hurricane Katrina: A Case Study of Flooding, Failure, and the Racial State, Anika Z. Becker
Honeybees and Human Culture, Kyra A. Bleicher
Reading the Landscape of Bates, Ella Bourland
同志: Film Representations of the Modern Chinese Gay Man, Marquise Clarke
How Climate Change and Oil Development in the Yamal Peninsula is Affecting the Lives of the Siberian Nenets, Rory O. Collins
National Flood Insurance Program Reform: Establishing an Affordability Pilot Program in North Carolina, Ayden Eickhoff
Juliana and the Convention on the Rights of the Child: Can International Children’s Rights Influence Domestic Climate Change Litigation?, Nicole Brooke Friedman
Understanding Differences Between the Three Sister Polyculture and Monoculture Growing of Corn, Beans and Squash, Josephine Gillett
Electricity Rate Impacts of Renewable Portfolio Standards: An Updated Empirical Analysis, Griffin Golden
Assessing the effectiveness of a salt marsh restoration project in Georgetown, Maine, Carter Goodell
MEHP-induces hepatic steatosis in Danio rerio juveniles following embryonic exposure and Nrf2a may play a role in hepatoprotection, Moreau Hadley
Maine Lobster: An Uncertain Future, Calvin G.K. Johnstone
The Fall of a King: The collapse of Sacramento River Chinook Salmon and its impact on community identity on California's North Coast [bibliography], Katherine Phyllis Kelley
A City and Its Land, Hugh Hogan Kenny
Resisting Abjection: The Opioid Crisis and its Incorporation into the Environmental Justice Movement, Josh Klein
Climate Change and Forced Migration: The Special Case of Disappearing States, Katharine S. Knight
The Case Study Houses of Southern California: Models for Sustainable Design, Emerson Rose Krull
Reform of Chinese Education in the 20th Century, Anastasia A. Leff
The Hydraulic Architecture of Cycads: A Three-Dimensional Analysis of Vascular Networks, Niamh L. Micklewhite
Purposeful Work, Isa Jamira Moise
The Manipulation of the Unconscious Consumer Through Pastoral Images in Food Advertising, Claire Naughton
Penobscot Nation v. Janet Mills: How Two Sides Understand One River, Samantha Carrs Pierce
Barriers to the Implementation of a Complete Streets Policy in Lewiston and Auburn, Maine, James Gordon S. Platt
My Trip to the Valley, Yeymi Rivas
A Theoretical Analysis of the Maine Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program: Lead Poisoning in the Lewiston Somali Bantu Community, Andrea Xenia Russo
Managing the Risks of Lead Paint in Housing: The Role and Responsibility of the Municipal Government in Addressing Lead Poisoning, Claire E. Sickinger
Modeling Nationally Determined Contributions to the Paris Climate Accord, Ezekiel Severin Smith
How Are Individuals Turning to Faith in the Face of Climate Change?, Newell Woodworth
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Futures of Northeastern Minnesota in light of Proposed Sulfide Ore Mines, Adair Morgan Andre
Bee Culture and Medicine in Ancient Egypt and Modern New England: Reciprocity and Connection, Alexandra Damon Armstrong
An Investigation of a Buried Sand/Stump Horizon in Scarborough Marsh, Nicholas F. Barker
‘Zonal’ molecular organization of the olfactory bulb mitral cell layer, Lindsey L. Beauregard
MRSA and MRSI Transmission between Humans and Companion Dogs: Potential Risk Factors and Public Health Implications, Camille Belletete
Environmental Writing in the Public Sphere, Benjamin J. Berger
Using Shortridge as a Community-Building, Educational Tool: A Proposal for a Shortridge Summer Camp, Allison Berman
Colorful Gardens and Empowerment: Black Resistance and Self-Determination through Urban Farming, Joakim Ethan Cohen
Laying Foundations for the Future: The Tiny House Movement in Context, Katherine Anne Cook
Analysis of High Velocity Outflows in 14 Compact Starburst Galaxies with Absorption-Line Spectroscopy at High Spectral Resolution, Kwamae Malakye Delva
Eelgrass Bed Carbon Storage in Casco Bay, John Doyle, Beverly Johnson, and Philip Dostie
Hacia un Pueblo Visible: An Examination of Liberatory and Decolonial Educative Practices for the Mapuche People in Chile, Emma R. Egan
Apocalypse Rhetoric and Political Standstill: Towards a More Productive Discourse of the Climate Crisis, Courtney C. Foster
Alternative Transfer Methods in Colorado: Innovations in Market-Based Water Sharing Agreements, Connor W. Gray
The relationship between substrate characteristics and Japanese knotweed invasion along the Saco River, Maine and New Hampshire, Dacota F. Griffin
Growling Skies over the San Juan Islands, Maya T. Haber
Lead Poisoning in Lewiston, Maine, Emily Halford
An Investigation into the Sources and Sinks of Phosphorus in Townsend Brook Watershed, Lake Auburn, ME, Michaela Heffernan
The Land Goes On: Avenues for Community-Engaged Farmland Conservation in Maine, Nell Rybeck Houde
Do Black people care about solar panels, turbines whacking birds, Amazon clear cutting, the environment just because, and the planet being on fire?, Korbin K. Houston
Planting the Seeds for the Future: An Analysis of School Gardens Attempts to Mitigate Food Insecurity Within Lewiston, Maine., Elisabeth Belle Hutchins
Implementing Carbon Offsets to Increase Biomass Energy Production: A suggestion for forest management in Maine, Caitlin A. Keady
Assessing the Amount of Carbon Stored in Maine Salt Marshes, Ashley L. Kulesza
Voices of Appalachia: Deconstructing the Polarizing Presence of Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining in Appalachia Through Local Narratives and Pro-Coal Rhetoric, Theodore Slaff Levine
Explorations into the Lifecycle and Morphology of Starburst Galaxies, Charles Phillips Lipscomb
The Empirical Impact of Renewable Generation on Electricity Prices via OLS and Vector Autoregressive Estimators, Matthew R. Marcus
The Questions We Seek And The Stories We Tell: An Environmental Meditation of our Place in this World., Kawai G. Marin Mr.
Permanent Agriculture (Permaculture): Why it Matters for Farmland Conservation in Maine, Madeline M. McGonagle
A Zooarchaeological and Paleoclimate Analysis of Gadus Morhua Otoliths Recovered from the Sandwick South Site, Shetland Islands, United Kingdom, A. Douglas McNab
The Impact of Dian Fossey on Mountain Gorilla Conservation and Tourism in Central Africa, Julia Christina Nemy
Distinguishing Harms to Derive Commitments: Karen Warren and Aldo Leopold on Ecofeminism and Domination, Eileen A. O'Shea
Climate Change: Defining Measuring and Building Resilience, Sadie Mae Palmatier
Speaking in Code, Mental Time Travel and Mind Reading: an exploration of the study of animal intelligence, Drew S. Perlmutter
Enhancing Sustainability and Justice in Urban Transportation: An Analysis of Equity Initiatives in Bikeshare, Matthew Reback
Building From the Ground Up: An Evaluation of Using Local Building Materials in Chile and Maine, Paula Catalina Robert
Destabilizing 'Nature': Exploring the Gendered and Racialized Management of Bodies and Spaces in US Environmental Discourse, Jennifer Kate Rosenfield
The Scientific and Political Implications of Trump-Era Climate Science Censorship, Sarah H. Sachs
Analysis of Thermal Properties of Permafrost, and Modeling, Mary Elizabeth Szatkowski
Rethinking Environmentally Responsible Behavior and Curriculum Design for a Local Maine High School, Dylan R. Thombs
An Oral Health Assessment of Migrant & Seasonal Farmworker Children of Maine and Child Residents of Lewiston Housing Authority – Hillview, Joseph R. Tulip
Striving for Just Sustainability in Transit Systems: A Case Study of Complete Streets Policies in Lewiston, Maine, avery wolfe
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Al Gore, the Perfect Punching Bag: An Analysis of the Effect of Political Cartoons on the Opinions and Perceptions of Al Gore and the Environmental Movement, Jonathan C. Anderson
The effect of fluorine on melt viscosity in the NaAlSiO4 - KAlSiO4 system, Madeline Stella Bruno and Genevieve Robert
The Effect of Fluorine on the Viscosity of Jadeite-Leucite Melts, Olin Rico Carty and Geneviève Robert
Methane Emissions Above and Below a Ditch Plug, Sprague River Marsh, Phippsburg, ME, Kelsey Chenoweth
Conservation Impact Analysis; Advocating for Intersectional Approaches for Wildlife Conservation Efforts and Management Plans, Misha Geronimo-Carson Copeland
Women’s Labor Roles in the Mexican Lime Commodity Chain in La Luz, Oaxaca, Mexico: A Feminist Political Ecology Approach, Yarisamar Cortez
Parasitism in Storm Petrel MHC: Methodological Trials to Sequence Parasitic DNA Within Storm Petrel Blood Samples, Kathryn Louise Cuthbert Ms.
Viability of Concentrator Photovoltaics for Electricity Production in the United States, John Dina
Salinic to Neoacadian Deformation within the Migmatite Zone of the Central Maine Belt in Western Maine, Erik James Divan
Land Use History of the Lake Auburn Watershed, Auburn, Maine, Elise Samiha Emil
A Critical Analysis of the Asian Development Bank's Rural Electrification Programs in Nepal, Brent Feldman
Spatially Resolving the Mass Surface Density Distribution in 12 Compact Galaxies with the Hubble Space Telescope, Sophia C.W. Gottlieb
The Theoretical Implications of Planned Obsolescence: A Multi-dimensional Analysis, Allison N. Hill
Analysis of Sedimentation and Phosphorous Loading Within the Lake Auburn Watershed, Lake Auburn, Maine, William M. Hilton III
The Effect of the Dispersion of Non-rewarding Flowers on Pollination by Bumblebees (Bombus impatiens): A Lab Study, Emma J. Katz
"Our Mothers' Gardens": Womanism, Other-mothering, and Homeplace in Oakland's Community Gardens, Dani Klein
Petrology of the hastingsite-riebeckite Granite of Mt. Cabot, NH, Colin Robert Kraft
An Investigation of the Hypoxic Internal Loading Mechanisms of Phosphorus in Lake Auburn, Halie Lange
Place-Based Education: An Overview and Lesson Plan for Whiting Farm, Emma Sage Marchetti
A Mid-Late Holocene Multi-Proxy Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of Northern Finnmark Using a Sediment Core from the Island of Ingøy, Norway, Claire Lockwood Markonic
Conceptions and Constructions of Rurality: A Case Study on Wind Power Development in Maine, Anna Lisa Marr
The Framing of Health: An Interpretive Analysis of the Strength of Community Framing in ‘Cancer Alley’, Jack Martell