Theses/Dissertations from 2025
Resilience in the Face of Climate Change: Exploring the Ecophysiology, Adaptation, and Conservation of Mytilus Edulis in the Gulf of Maine, Mackenzie J. Arnott and Justin Baumann
Where the Light Seeps Through: An Exploration of the Power of Climate Fiction for Maintaining Hope and Inspiring Action in Young Readers, Ava Florence Clancy
The Landscape of Maine’s Urban Environmental Programming, Daisy Gallagher
Exploring the Effects of Cyanobacteria Algae Blooms on Ecosystems and Humans with a Focus on North Pond, Maine, Miles Parrish Hagedorn
"Culturally Significant Food & Food Sovereignty in Maine: A Culinary Exploration", Naomi Grace Lynch
Beavers: Nature’s Architects Rebuilding Our Ecosystems, Marat Washburn
Framing Value: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Economic Valuation of Non-Use Value and Pro-Environmental Behavior, Drew Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
A Case Study of Western Maine - Imagining Futures With Climate Change in Alpine Skiing, Ethan C. Baker
Energy Efficient Development: A Comparative Life Cycle Analysis of Retrofitted and New Housing in Lewiston, Maine, Martin Carriere, Jack LaCasse, and Ned Farrington
Legislation Should Address Substance Abuse Policy to Mitigate Homelessness Under Increasingly Extreme Climate Conditions, Anders Corey
The Examination of the Integration of Indigenous Knowledge in International Climate Discourse within the UNFCCC, Isla Cotter
Intergenerational Conservation for Farm and Forest Owners in Auburn, Maine: An Analysis of Carbon Credit Program Tradeoffs, Kahryn Cullenberg, Maya Karmaker, and Daisy Kettle
Queerness and Food Sovereignty: Identity as Driving Factor for Community Based Food Justice Work, Eliza Dewey
Determining Surface Rupture of the 1803 Earthquake in Central Himalaya Using Paleoseismology, Molly E. Harmon
The Effects of PM2.5 from Wildfires on Educational Attainment in California, Julia H. Kindler
Down Here, The Only Light is your Own: Environmentalism and Extraction in the Appalachian Coalfields, Bryan David Kirk
Retelling Malaga Island, Kami J. Lambert
South Korean Veganism(s) and the Euro-American Imagination of Korean Food, Madeleine Suejung Lee
Development of Inclusive Food Studies Curriculum at Lewiston Middle School, Rachel Lowell, Jaimie Fairchild, and Miles Anderson
The European Greenbelt: An Attempt at European Unity Following the Cold War, Alma N. Mackic
Will Eating Them Beat Them? Establishing Culinary Markets for the European Green Crab, Elysse McCambley
The Making of Fishable and Swimmable: The Ecological and Socio-Cultural Impacts of the Clean Water Act in the Androscoggin River Valley, Isabel Renee Mckinlay
Legitimacy and Transparency: Building Trust Through The SEC's Climate Disclosure Rule, Cassidy Sky Meyer
The Examination of How Intra-Community Social Identities Differ in Contexts of Coastal Flooding Adaptation and Vulnerability, Dylan Nordstrom
A Health Assessment of Elkhorn Coral (Acropora palmata) Colonies in the Bocas del Toro Archipelago, Panama, Hannah Orton
Habitat Management for High-Priority Bird Species at Woodbury Nature Sanctuary, Ruby Paarlberg, Jack Daoust, and Emma Stattelman
Corporate Social Responsibility: Strategic Benevolence or Genuine Social Impact? An Analysis of FedEx's Governance and Sustainability Efforts, Tasker D. Peacock
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) State Legislation in the United States: Case Study Analyses in California and Texas, Lucinda Farrar Pike
Green Toys: an analysis on toy companies through an environmental lens, Jack Mitchell Potash
Depictions of Chinese New Year in Children’s Books, Qi Schmidt
Earth's Guardian: The Crucial Role of Soil Science in Protecting Our Planet, Casey Shultis
Beavers: How a 100 Pound Rodent Fights Climate Change and Preserves Biodiversity, Huck T. Triggs
Use of high-frequency data to determine in-lake response to major tributary inputs under extreme storm events at Lake Auburn, Maine, Amelia E. Wallis
Point A to Point B: Understanding Mobility Justice in Lewiston, Maine, Charlotte B. Welsh
Unveiling Realities: Building Trans Visibility in Climate Discourse, Gianluca Yornet de Rosas
From Local Roots to Global Networks: Unveiling the Dynamics of Global and Local Framings in the Ecovillage Movement, Stella Younkin
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
A Comparative Analysis of Groundwater Vulnerability and PFAS Contamination in Maine, Eli Boesch Dining
An Assessment of the Environmental Effects of High-Efficiency Affordable Housing in Lewiston, Maine, Gabrielle Lorina Brewer
Analyzing Mono Basin Surface Waters for Stable Isotopes (𝛅𝟏𝟖𝐎 and 𝛅𝟐𝐇) and Major Cations to Assess Basin-Wide Evaporation and Geochemical Inputs, Madison A. Broda
The Impacts of Eurasian Water Milfoil presence in Maine, David Robbert Byrne
Rooted Actants and Social-Ecological Remediation: An Analysis of Plant Agency in the Reforestation of the Monongahela National Forest, Mary Katharyn Caperton
"The Greening of Hate": Environmentalism as a Tool of the Far Right, Sarah Chang
Sea Urchins and Kelp Forests in California, Kevin Y. Chen
An Inventory and Analysis of Post Glacial Faults in Maine, Nicholas Chiu
Climate Gentrification: The Case of Green Resilient Development in Boston, Eunah Choi
Management Recommendations to Facilitate Wild and Farmed Scallop Fishery Co-existence in the Gulf of Maine, Alysse E. Cleasby
8,000 Years of Forests in Maine: A Story Told by the Eastern Hemlock, Sugar Maple, and American Chestnut, Catherine (Cici) Conroy
A New Era of ESG: Corporate Rhetorics of Energy Transparency, Olivia Margaret Demerath
A New Era of ESG: Corporate Rhetorics of Energy Transparency, Olivia Margaret Demerath
The Danish Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: Sustainable Initiatives, Innovations, & Businesses, Jenna Genthner
A Fishery In Jeopardy: Who Is To Blame For The Decline Of Striped Bass Along The Atlantic Seaboard?, Robert Christopher Griffin
Exploring Tensions Between Two Maine Landscapes: Toxic and Pristine, Caitlyn Elizabeth Hanley
Invasive Changes: How species both invasive and native have changed over time, and why does that matter to Mainers?, Nicolas Philip Munk Hansen
Addressing Misconceptions Surrounding Aquaculture, Andrew R. Hoffman
Echo Park Dam Controversy: The Value of Wilderness and the Articulation of Support or Opposition, Madeline Urquhart Hogan
From Grain to Main and Following Fish, Nathan Huynh
Ecologies of Black Freedom, Knowledge, and Resistance: An Environmental History of the Great Dismal Swamp, 1730-1865, Caleb S. Ireland
Why Big Business Matters in Sustainability, Amisha Kalra
Greenwashing: Is There Performative Environmentalism at Bates?, Quinn Kieselowsky
Mapping the Impacts of Climate Change on Mediterranean Viticulture, Zoe A. Knauss
The Use of Domestic Wastewater as a Circulating Fluid in a Hot Dry Rock Geothermal Power Plant, Alexander T. Kovacs
Layered Landscapes: Conservation Based Approaches to Restorative Justice in Mozambique, Megan Lacey
Abundance of Plankton Taxa and Their Effects on the Planktonic Community in Lake Auburn., Dylan Ernest Larose
Food Justice Imaginaries: A Critical Look at Elite and Grassroots Discourses, Claire Lim
Understanding and Quantifying Phosphorus Transport from Septic Systems to Lake Auburn, Evan Ma
Mitigating Air Pollution in Jakarta, Indonesia: An Evaluation of “Rendering Technical”, Trevor Forest McAuliffe
Investigating the intersectionality between gun violence and climate change in marginalized communities, Gabrielle Sophie Meisel
Petrogenetic history of lava flows from the Casitas Shield in the Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile, Maeve S. Mikulski
'Take What You Need, Give What You Can': An Analysis of the Feasibility of a Community Fridge as a Means to Combat Food Insecurity in Lewiston, Maine, Annika Mirchandani
An Exploration Into Earths Carbon Threshold, Lucy Moseley
Lead in Our Paint & Water: Poisoning the Minds and Potential of Lewiston’s Children, Avrah Ross
The Role of Vulnerability, Anticipation, and Narrative Structure in California’s Drought Management and Water Allocation Strategies, Sophie C. Scola
Tackling PFAS in Maine: a Resident's Guide to "Forever Chemicals", Victoria Theodora Scott
An Analysis on the Portland-Montreal Pipeline; Indigenous Philosophical Perspectives, Linnéa J. Selendy
The Environmental Implications of War: Analysis of the Spectacular and Slow Environmental Violence Inflicted through Russia’s Deliberate Targeting and Weaponization of Ukrainian Environments, Alexander Campanile Sheikh
Constructing Temporality and Contextualizing the Passing of Time: How Native Foods Operate as Timekeepers / How the Modern American Food Market Manipulates Their Functionality, Robert Francis Sheils
The Case for Climate Reparations: Implementing Compensatory Justice Measures to Amend the United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, Josephine Buell Stevens
Urban Environmental Education: Redefining Nature and Realigning Pedagogy, Clare Anne Trinity
A Critical Environmental Justice Review of Manufactured Housing, Charles Van Damme
Maine Tisanes: Herbal Tea Past, Present, and Future, Friedrich DB Wilcox
RenoRide? The Biggest Little Bike-Share in the World, Isaac A. Williams
A Case for Re-Commoning: The (De)commodification of Food in Lewiston, Maine, Sophie Worsh-Farnum
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
The Importance of Snake Education on Snake Conservation, Jason Alfandre
Sustainable Urban Living: A Cultural Take on Tokyo's Sustainability Efforts, Koharu Aoki
Analyzing the Great Resignation and the 躺平 Lying Flat Movement, Elizabeth Bauer
An Examination of Zoos: Suffering, Domination, and More., Jasper Destefano Beardslee
An Environmental Virtue Ethics Approach To Understanding Eco-Terrorism, Daniel S. Bileca
Methane Emissions, Carbon Sequestration, and Groundwater Hydrology Along the Freshwater Margin of the Sprague River Salt Marsh, Parker Caswell
The Nez Perce Struggle for Wild Chinook Salmon Restoration and an Exploration of Necessary Collaborations Moving Forward, Rosie Crawford
Adopting Low-Carbon Energy Systems in Lewiston, Charles J. Cronin
Grappling with Greenspace Inequity Through Urban Climate Change Adaptation: An Analysis of Urban Greening in Boston and Baltimore, Liza Dubinsky
Analyzing Management Methods for Isolated Bighorn Sheep Populations: a Teton Sheep Case Study, Hayden Evans